What does it mean to be saved?
Accepting Jesus as your lord and savior.
200 extra points
What was Daniel told to do until the time of the end (Dan 12:4)?
A. Be faithful in all his house
B. Lead many to righteousness
C. Seal up the words of the scroll
D. Proclaim the words of this prophecy
C. Seal up the words of the scroll
100 extra points
What was David's occupation before he became king?
How does the Bible portray Sarah's faith?
The Bible portrays Sarah as a woman of great faith, particularly highlighted by her ability to believe and trust in God's promise to bear a child even when she was old and barren, overcoming doubt and ultimately giving birth to Isaac
Who are the two bible characters that never died?
Elijah and Enoch
The Book of James was written by James, the half-brother of Jesus
Who will shine like the brightness of the heavens (Dan 12:3)?
A. The righteous
B. The wise
C. The faithful
D. The elect
B. The wise
how did David demonstrate his faith in God?
Who was Sarah's partner
Why did Elijah choose 12 stones to build his altar?
One for each tribe of Israel
Who was the first in the bible to showcase faith
According to the Bible, Abel was the first person to be mentioned as having faith. Abel was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve.
how did Daniel demonstrate unwavering faith in the face of adversity, particularly in the Lion's Den story?
In the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den, Daniel demonstrated unwavering faith by continuing to pray to God even when facing a potentially deadly situation, refusing to compromise his religious practices despite a law forbidding it, and fully trusting that God would protect him.
Which prophet anointed David as king?
200 points extra
How did God describe Sarah when speaking to Abraham about her future role?
Mother of Nations
How did Elijah demonstrate his trust in God during the drought?
Elijah demonstrated his trust in God during the drought by consistently obeying God's commands.
What does Proverbs 31:17-20 say
She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. She holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. She opens her arms to the poor.
Triple points
What kind of time is Daniel warned about (Dan 12:1)?
A time of distress as has not happened from the beginning of nations
How long did David reign?
40 years
At what age did Sarah die?
what is 2+2
The ability to give 200 points to your choosing
Name all the bible characters in the slideshow that showed faith
Abraham, David, Sarah, Daniel, Esther, Peter, Elijah, Noah.
What is Daniel told about will happen to multitudes at the end of the book of Daniel (Dan 12:2)?
Those who sleep in the dust will awake
Who was Bathsheba's first husband?
Double points
What was the name of the son that Sarah gave birth to?
ability to give double points to anyone this round
Which king of Israel did Elijah warn about an imminent drought?