Name 2 pies associated with Thanksgiving
What animal is most commonly associated with Halloween?
Bats and black cats
What Halloween comedy stars Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis?
What 3 spices are commonly associated with Autumn?
Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Clove
Which cartoon character famously rides inside a pumpkin carriage?
What's the main ingredient in turkey stuffing?
The first Jack-o-Lanterns were made out of what?
The first Jack-o-Lanterns were made in Ireland out of hollowed-out turnips.
Who is this?
Freddy Krueger
What's the liquid that comes out of maple trees?
What is this?
Pumpkin Spice Latte
What day is the Thanksgiving Holiday observed in the USA?
Fourth Thursday in November. (Canadians observe Thanksgiving on the Second Monday in October)
From the base to point, what is the order of colors on a piece of candy corn?
Yellow, Orange, White
Who is this?
Michael Myers
What other colours to pumpkins come in besides orange?
White, blue, green, and yellow
What do you call a full moon in Autumn?
Harvest Moon
What is the day after Thanksgiving known as (in America)?
Black Friday - it's one of the busiest shopping days in the year.
Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. Not too big, not too small, just the size of ______
What movie is both a Halloween and Christmas movie?
The Nightmare Before Christmas
What is the official first day of Fall in 2020?
What famous Christmas song was originally written for Thanksgiving?
Jingle Bells was originally composed for children to sing in a Boston Sunday School celebration. It was meant for Thanksgiving season and had no connection to Christmas.
According to legend, a uni-brow, tattoos, and a long middle finger are all signs of what Halloween creature?
Who is the main character of Sleepy Hollow?
Ichabod Crane
Which country celebrates the Day of the Dead starting at midnight on October 31?
In Canada these are called Rockets, what are they called in USA?