What is the name of the group that occupied this part of New York?
Haudenosaunee (Seneca, Tuscarora)
What is a way art can be used in culture?
Enjoyment, propaganda, commemoration, commentary, worship, persuasion, self expression, etc.
Name a threat to heritage.
100 for each
Looting, Warfare, Tourism, Modernization, Climate
In a culture it is traditional that after a couple is married, they both move in with the bride’s family. What term would describe this?
What is the 1990 act that protects Native American goods and remains?
BONUS: what does the acronym stand for?
What is the name of the cultural background information that gives more meaning to art?
Setting, artist, events, etc.
Who owns heritage?
What is the term for the common type of medical practice of the US that combines scientific medicine and cultural aspects?
Western Medicine
What is the term for a dominant group forcing a group to take on their culture, the purpose of the Indian Boarding Schools?
Force Assimilation
What is the name for a piece of art that acts as a conduit (connection) to the religious person depicted?
What is the name of a museum that focuses on culture?
Ethnographic Museum
Name a cultural barrier to disease
Masks, Nets, Medical practice (vaccines), covering your face, avoidance, etc.
What branch of anthropology contribute to scientific racism and used skeletal remains for research without permission?
What is the name for a person who financially supports an artist?
What is the name for the theory that believes in changing how museums function, making them more interactive, communal spaces
Critical Museum Theory
Name an element of ethnographies
Interviews, Surveys, Informants, Long-term stay, Participant Observation, etc.