Every one of their siblings was born in a different state
Who is Sav Davison?
Favorite quote is “If you don’t win: flip” - Mike Baker
Who is Maddie Genis?
Favorite song is "August" by Taylor Swift
Who is Maddie Cockburn?
Is SCUBA certified and has been scubadiving in 5 different countries
Who is Maya Lougheed? (Dagny is also SCUBA certified!)
Owns a cow
Who is Kelsea Adams?
Now a famously stylish member of staff, went through a middle school phase of wearing only basketball shorts and t-shirts
Who is Emma Barrett?
Favorite quote is “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” - Mark Twain
Who is Meghan O'Hearn?
Plays the electric guitar
Who is Mia Bierowski?
Speaks German and French
Who is Gretta Anderson?
Who is Sav Davison?
Played violin and viola for 14 years
Who is Steph Chivers?
Favorite quote is "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now"
Annika Wisdom
Favorite song "Gold Dust Woman" Fleetwood Mac
Dagny Sammis
Was on a synchronized skating team in elementary school
Who is Claire Misurelli?
Milk preference: whole
(Out of HG, Mia Ollari, Bella Ross, and Eva Maniatty)
Who is Hannah Glover and Mia Ollari?
Bought a typewriter at a flea market as a child and used to type out house newsletters for their family
Who is Sheehan Gotsch?
Favorite quote is "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.” – Dr. Seuss
Who is Ava Voorhies?
Favorite song is "Champagne Coast"
Who is Erin Smith?
Cut their hair into a pixie cut to look like Green Day's Drummer (an icon)
Who is Maeva?
As a child, ate entire block of butter while her grandmother's back was turned
(*didn't throw up afterwards either*)
Who is Tea Anzur?
Has hiked to Everest Base Camp
Who is Eric Carich?
Favorite quote is "If you can't hang, don't swing." -My mom
Who is Paxton Graham?
Not a song but a fun fact! Was born in America and raised in England and Australia, so I have 3 passports.
Who is Ruby Hodges?
Competed against Mia Ollari in a youth CrossFit competition
Who is Sophie Weeden?
Milk preference: plant based
(out of HG, Mia Ollari, Eva Maniatty, and Bella Ross)
Who is Eva Maniatty, and Bella Ross?