"As we do our best to teach those we love about the doctrine of Jesus Christ, some may still not respond. Doubts may creep into your mind, and you might question whether you know the Savior’s doctrine well enough to teach it effectively. Don’t give in to those doubts. Turn to God."
Elder Henry B. Eyring
He spoke about Holiness in our Everyday lives. Who is it?
Elder Gong shares: “You may wonder if your Heavenly Father loves you. The answer is a resounding, absolute YES”
Jesus is the ______ of our testimony; all other things are the _____________.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf: Jesus is the root of our testimony; all other things are the branches.
Faith endures the trials and the uncertainties of life because it is firmly rooted in Christ and His doctrine. Jesus Christ is the one undeviating, perfectly reliable object of our trust.
Jesus is the Great Unifier!
Elder David L. Buckner taught us to "seek opportunities to be One with others... all are welcome.. all are invited... YOU BELONG"
Starred in his own movie alongside Bugs & Lola Bunny
Lebron James or Michael Jordan
"Immerse yourself regularly in the Book of Mormon which will draw the Spirit into your life and help you discern truth from error."
Quentin L Cook also said:
"The sacred scriptures and living prophets are a major way a loving Heavenly Father makes His plan of happiness available to all His children."
Who is pictured?
Elder Ronald A Rasband: “I am here for you, not just to hold up your arms and hands when they ‘hang down’ (Doctrine and Covenants 81:5) but to be a comfort and strength at your side.”
As the Lord’s prophet continues to invite us to become more diligent disciples of Jesus Christ, I feel blessed to hold up his teachings, to hold up his example of Christlike living, and to hold up his fervent testimony of our Savior. May we all, as disciples of Jesus Christ, hold up His light."
_________ new temples are announced around the world!
17 new temples are announced around the world!
Why are we building at an unprecedented pace? To gather Isreal on both sides of the veil!
And to help prepare a people (us) to prepare the world for the coming of Jesus Christ!
You will experience "Days Never to Be Forgotten"
Elder Gary E Stevensen:
"As we enter this coming decade of unprecedented moments, may we share the glad tidings of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the simple activities of living, caring, inviting, and uniting."
Number of Olympic gold medals Wardell Curry II has won
"Please remember that The Book of Mormon looks to the future and contains important principles, warnings, and lessons intended for me and you in the circumstances and challenges of our present day.”
David A. Bednar
This man spoke with PASSION!
Jorge M. Alvarado. He shared:" Repentance is Joy!" and "As we come to Jesus Christ, our path of sincere repentance will lead us to the Savior's holy temple.. nothing will open the heavens more than worshipping in the temple"
.“When it comes to matters of salvation and eternal life, our theme song ought to be, “I Did it ______ Way,” because truly there is no other way.”
“I Did it God's Way,” (instead of MY way)
D.Todd Christofferson also shared: “As they buried their physical weapons, with changed hearts, they also buried their disposition to sin...May we bury — very, very deep — any element of rebellion against God in our lives and replace it with a willing heart and a willing mind."
Mortality Works
Elder Brook P. Hales: “Our loving, wise and perfect Heavenly Father has designed the plan of happinesss such that we are not destined to fail.”
First father-son duo in the NBA
Lebron James & Lebron James Jr. (Bronny)
"The combo of nitroglycerin and kieselguhr made dynamite valuable; the combination of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His church is beyond price."
Dale G Renlund
Bishop L. Todd Budge taught that the Japanese characters Literally mean "to do nothing."
deeper, spiritual application: Let us slow down and live with greater spiritual awareness. "As we concentrate our hearts and minds on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and listen to the still, small voice of the Holy Ghost, we will have greater clarity about what is most needful, develop deeper compassion, and find rest and strength in Him."
It is the combination of priesthood ___________ along with the keeping of covenant _______ that allows us to draw upon God’s power.
Emily Belle Freeman teaches: "It is the combination of priesthood ordinances along with the keeping of covenant promises that allows us to draw upon God’s power.... We all have access to the gift of God’s power. Every time we partake of the sacrament. Every time we cross the threshold of a temple.”
Don't let the world change you when YOU were born to change the world!
Elder Bradley Wilcox: "When we use our moral agency to make and keep covenants with God, we become heirs of the everlasting covenant God has made with our forebears in every dispensation. Said another way, we become ‘children of the covenant.’ That sets us apart. That gives us access to the same blessings our forefathers and foremothers received, including a birthright.....Don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage!!"
The player who wears #31 on the Dallas Mavericks
Klay Thompson
“I bear witness of God, our Eternal Father, who loves us; of His son, Jesus Christ, who saved us.” “They know our hurts and challenges. They will never forsake us, and know perfectly how to succor us. We can be of good cheer as we trust Them more than anyone or anything else.”
David P Homer
Who painted this?
Kristin M Yee shared: "The Lord is not done with us when we make a mistake..Our need for healing is not a burden to Him, but the very reason He came"
My decision to follow _______ _________ is the most __________ decision I have ever made!
Pres Nelson: "My decision to follow Jesus Christ is the most important decision i have ever made!"
Every sincere seeker of Jesus Christ will find Him!
Talk about, testify of, have faith in, and rejoice in Jesus Christ! Come unto Him and offer your whole soul to Him. This is the secret to a life of Joy! The best is yet to come!"
What works for Thee, works for Me!
Elder Ulisses Soares: One of the most glorious moments of mortality occurs when we discover the joy that comes when “what works for the Lord” and “what works for us” become one and the same!
To make the Lord’s will our own requires majestic and heroic discipleship! At that moment, we become consecrated to the Lord, and we totally yield our will to Him. Such spiritual submissiveness, is beautiful, powerful, and transformational. I pray that each of us, will be able to declare with covenant confidence, to our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ that “what works for Thee works for me.”
Jonathan Kuminga's birth country
Democratic Republic of the Congo