The second space in treble clef
What you should do when you here a cadence on the piano
Stop talking right away
Put a witch's shawl on
The Addams Family
The song that includes the lyrics "I got horses in the back"
Old Town Road
The room number of the choir room
The fourth line in treble clef
What you need to do to ask for a bathroom pass
Raise your hand with one finger
One of a kind like every star
Become Yourself
The TV show where celebrities compete as anonymous singers
The Masked Singer
(March) 2022
The second line in bass clef
The two times you should immediately be quiet
When you stand up and when there is a cadence on the piano
Nor avarice blights our day
I Dream a World
He teamed with Ed Sheeran on "I Don't Care"
The last names of the principal, assistant principal, and dean of students
Nelson, Bakke, Erickson
The note in the first space above the staff in bass clef
What you should wear with your choir polo shirt for concerts
Black pants, black shoes, black socks
You are unique in who you are
Become Yourself
The most famous popular musician born in Minneapolis
The number of doorways into the auditorium
The note on the first ledger line (added line) below the staff in treble clef
The kind of absence from a concert not having a ride counts as
And joy, like a pearl
I Dream a World
The age that Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, and Amy Winehouse all died
The first name of the MHS mascot