Test Vocabulary
Test-Taking Strategies
Revising and Editing
This is when you use clues from the text to make an educated guess about something.
What is making inferences?
This is our strategy for main idea.
What are tally marks?
This is a synonym for the climax of a story.
What is the turning point?
This is what a text is mostly about.
What is main idea?
This is the best way to change the following sentence: She wanted to be successful on the ACP, but she was nervus. A. Change ACP to Acp B. Change nervus to nervous C. Delete the comma before but
What is B. change nervus to nervous
The word "conclude" is a synonym for this word.
What is infer/making an inference?
This is our strategy for summary questions.
What is BME?
This point of view reveals the narrator's opinions and feelings.
What is first person point of view?
This is the purpose of adding a "table" to a nonfiction passage.
What is to provide more information about the topic?
This is the best way to combine the following sentences: Jamie wants to go to the mall. Beth wants to go to the mall. A. Jamie wants to go to the mall, and Beth wants to go to the mall. B. Jamie wants to go to the mall and Beth wants to go as well. C. Jamie and Beth want to go to the mall.
What is C. Jamie and Beth want to go to the mall.
This is the meaning of "convey."
What is to tell or to communicate?
This is how you should determine the answer to a vocabulary (word meaning) question.
What is look it up in the dictionary and go back to the paragraph (context clues)?
This is the part of a story where the problem is solved.
What is the falling action?
This is the author's purpose of expository/nonfiction texts.
What is to teach/inform/explain?
Which transition word should be used to connect sentence 1 and sentence 2? Matthew forgot to do his homework. ______, he had time to do it at lunch. A. Fortunately, B. Similarly, C. In contrast, D. Unfortunately,
What is A. Fortunately?
This is a synonym for "structure." For example: How does the author "structure" the text?
What is organize (organizational patterns)?
This is the correct way to read a paired selection.
What is read passage 1 and answer questions, read passage 2 and answer questions, answer questions about BOTH using the T-chart strategy.
This is when a character speaks with an accent or uses words that reveal where they are from.
What is dialect?
This gives you the most important information from the beginning, middle, and end of a passage.
What is a summary?
What is the best way to change the sentence below? The cats was playing in the garden all afternoon. A. Change "playing" to "played" B. Change "in the garden" to "at the garden" C. Change "cats was" to "cats were"
What is C. Change "cats was" to "cats were"
This is the meaning of paraphrase.
What is putting important ideas from the text into your OWN WORDS?
This is the strategy you can use for organizational pattern/text structure questions.
What is tally marks?
This is what happens in the turning point of a story.
What is the character faces the conflict, a change occurs, it's an exciting part.
This explains how the text is structures or organized.
What is the organizational pattern?
What are the 3 errors in the following sentence? I only have three exams left until christmas break; Science, Math and Social Studies.
What is 1) capitalize Christmas, 2) change the semicolon to a colon, and 3) put a comma after Math.