What is the word that means "made flesh" as in God became human
What is the bible
Word of God
Who were the 1st four men Jesus picked to be his followers? Hint, they were fisherman
Andrew, James, John, Simon
As babies, Moses and Jesus were both threatened how?
To be killed by Pharaoh or Eqypt or King of Eqypt
Mary is often referred to as this person in the past, except Mary is "New"
Why did Jesus come as a baby and not a King or in his God form
God wanted to show us the importance of family
What is a gospel
Good news
Jesus also called Matthew, what did Matthew do for a living
Tax collector
How many days was Moses on the mountain talking to God and Jesus in the desert talking to Satan?
40 day
What was Mary born without?
Or what was Mary born with?
without- original sin
With- sanctifying grace
Who was the most powerful force in the world during the time of Jesus
What are the 4 gospels
Mark was not one of the original apostles, who was he a disciple of?
What did Moses and Jesus free the people of God from?
Bondage of slavery
Bondage of Slavery to sin
Mary is also compared to something Moses had.
The Ark of the Covenant
Name one historical way in which we know Jesus was really a man who lived
Documentation of his birth, his death.
Eye witness accounts that were written down
What is a disciple
Follower of Christ
Which of the disciples followed Jesus to the top of Mount Tabor to see his transfiguration?
Hint : there was 3 of them
Peter, James and John
How many elders did Moses pick to help him?
How many disciples did Jesus pick to help him?
Because her son Jesus is King, and the mother of any king is always Queen and sets at his right hand
Name a way we can prove that Jesus was God
the gospels accounts of miracles, and what Jesus said and did
the fact that the disciples died defending their faith in Jesus
What is an apostle
person sent to spread the good news
Peter means Rock and Peter was to become the 1st Pope- leader of God church on earth
There is a common main event in both Moses and Jesus life that set the stage for the Old Covenant and the New Covenant to go into effect
Why is Mary called an Intercessor?
She interceded on our behalf and takes our prayers to Jesus her son.