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This U.S. State has a store that sells unclaimed baggage. The center covers a city block and collects baggage from every state in the U.S.

What is Alabama?


Farmer and famous photographer Wilson Alwyn Bentley took pictures of these proving that no two are alike.

What are Snowflakes?


In 1824, this U.S. Newspaper became one of the first women's publications and was printed out of Harpers Ferry in West Virginia.

What is the Ladies Garland?


The picture, supposedly taken by surgeon Robert Wilson in 1934, is the most famous picture of the infamous beast. However in 1994, Christopher Spurling admitted that he and his stepfather, big game hunter Marmaduke Wetherell, used a few toys and the well respected name to give the picture creditability.

What is the Loch Ness Monster?


The real name for a hashtag.

What is an Octothorpe?


This U.S. State holds the town of Talkeetna whom elected a Cat named Stubs (after his short tail) as mayor in 1997. The cat remained mayor of the town until his death in 2017.

What is Alaska?


This iconic image was edited to take the cigarette out of Paul McCartney's hand without permission from the band or Apple Record's when it was published in the U.S.

What is Abbey Road?


Now the Philadephia Inquirer, this newspaper became the first daily newspaper avaialable in the United States in 1771. It gained further notoriety when it became the first paper to publish Washington's Farewell Address.

What is the Pennsylvania Packet?


Astronaut Neil Armstrong took this iconic picture of Astronaut Buzz Aldrin during the Apollo 11 Mission while the two were on their way to the Sea of Tranquility in the "Eagle" Lunar Module.

What is the Moon Landing?


This Astronaut's hair was sold or $3,000 in 2004.

Who is Neil Armstrong?


Every year, a team of 300 "elves" write personal replies to the over 20,000 letters sent to Santa from around the world. All of which end up in the town of Santa Claus in this U.S. State.

What is Indiana?


While this image evokes a sense of success for the small child exiting the court house, what it hides is the crowd of pro-segregation protestors with signs reading "All I want for Christmas is a Clean White School".

What is Ruby Bridges?


The Chicago Daily Tribune ran this succinct but efficient headline on November 3, 1948. It was referring to the 1948 election between Republican Thomas Dewey and Democrat Harry Truman. There was just one problem - the headline was wrong. 150,000 copies of the Tribune went to press before the results were read, relying on a political analyst to predict the winner.  

What is "Dewey Defeats Truman?"


Cecil Stoughton took this picture on November 22, 1963 on Air Force One in the Dallas Love Air Field. In the photo are many solemn faces and a bewildered Jaqueline Kennedy who is still wearing the Chanel jacket she had been wearing in the motorcade. The camera originally malfunctioned but was quickly fixed.

What is the Inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson?

The longest word in this language is 189,819 letters long.

What is English?


This U.S. State boasts the nation's largest Helium reserve along with the original site it was discovered in 1903 by Dexter Hugoton.

What is Kansas?


Neil Leifer was in the right place at the right time for the most famous sports image of the 20th century. He had been pushed out of a seat by the judges table by a fellow photographer with more experience and was stationed perfectly for the iconic boxing shot.

What is Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston?


On Saturday June 25, 2016, the Daily Mirror’s front page featured Samantha Cameron staring anxiously at her husband, Prime Minister David Cameron wit this headline. The headache of the prime minister resigning is dramatically summarized in this Daily Mirror’s headline. The question it poses is still relevant today as the consequences of Brexit continue to unfold. No one knows what’s going to happen, but we’re all watching with bated breath.

What is "So What The Hell Happens Now"?


Rescue workers carry mortally injured New York City Fire Department chaplain, the Rev. Mychal Judge, from the wreckage of this disastrous event. The chaplain was crushed to death by falling debris while giving a man last rites.

What is September 11, 2001?


The tiny pocket in modern jeans was designed to hold this device.

What is a pocket watch?


This U.S. State still requires their governors to swear under oath that they have not fought in a duel before taking office.

What is Kentucky?


This Iconic photograph was one of nearly two dozen captured on May 6, 1937 after this fateful accident killed 36 people bringing an end to the golden age of airships. This image later served as the cover of a Led Zeppelin Album.

What is the Hindenburg Disaster?


Soon after the explosion of the USS Maine, on March 25, 1898 William Randolph Hearst published this famous headline creating "Yellow Journalism" which uses the idea of sensationalism to rally support for a certain idea.

What is "Spain Guilty!"


In July 1947, Jesse Marcel is pictured examining the debris of a U.S. Air Force weather balloon following the wide initial interest in the "Flying Disc".

What is the Roswell Crash?


Allodoxaphobia describes the fear of these things.

What are other people's opinions?
