Vocab True/False
Short Stories

What is the definition of countenance

a person's face or facial expression


The muralist impressed the world with his exquisite.

false (exquisite = adjective)


Which type of figurative language is at work in this quote from The Pearl?

"The wind cried and whisked in the brush, and the family went on monotonously, hour after hour" (69).



Identify a supernatural element in "the Landlady" by Roald Dahl. 

Billy is compelled to enter the "bed and breakfast" (the sign seems to hold him there).

The landlady answers the door immediately.

The hotel is strangely empty (and has not had new guests for years) 


Her dad picks her up later



What is the definition of wan?

(of a person's complexion or appearance) pale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion.


I woke with alacrity for the opportunity to witness the phenomenon of the northern lights in the sky.

True, true


How does the beginning of The Outsiders mirror the ending of the novel? 

The ending of the story is Ponyboy starting to tell his story for an essay/theme in English class. It begins the same way the novel does, 


State the main conflict between Mr. Scratch and Jabez Stone. 

The "mortgage" is nearly due, but Jabez Stone cannot (or does not want to) pay him. 


Identify the part of speech of the following underlined words. 
1. This is a prime number. 

2. This number is a prime number. 

1. pronoun

2. adjective 


What is the definition and part of speech of oblique

Adjective: indirect or slanting 


1. The soccer player tried to feign an injury.

2. Her venerate drew respect from her subordinates.

1. true

2. false (venerate = verb) 


Read the following quote from To Kill a Mockingbird. The literary device at work here is ___________.
"My special knowledge of the Cunningham tribe—one branch, that is—was gained from events of last winter. Walter’s father was one of Atticus’s clients. After a dreary conversation in our living room one night about his entailment, before Mr. Cunningham left he said, 'Mr. Finch, I don’t know when I’ll ever be able to pay you.'"



Which literary device is demonstrated in this excerpt from "To Build a Fire"?

No creek could contain water in that winter. But he knew also that there were streams of water that came out from the hillsides and ran along under the snow and on top of the ice of the creek. He knew that even in the coldest weather these streams were never frozen, and he also knew their danger.



Identify all conjunctions in the following sentence:

Either sleet or snow is expected today. 

Either, or 

What is the definition and part of speech of peremptory

Adjective, dictatorial (insisting on immediate attention or obedience) 


1. The birthday party was a somber occasion-- everybody had a blast.

2. Workers who had hitherto been reliable now neglected their work.

1. false (somber= gloomy/depressing) 

2. true 


WITHOUT looking at notes, write the correct MLA heading for a paper due in this class on January 12th, 2024.

Ima Student

Mrs. Blair

Period 3

12 January 2024 


Recall one element of foreshadowing in "A Man Who Had No Eyes."
hint: how might readers have caught on to Mr. Parson's blindness before the ending of the novel?

He only picks up the approaching beggar by his sound.

He feels "foolish" pity towards the blind beggar.

He mentions "handicaps" and uses a malacca stick as a cane. 


Identify all of the complements in this sentence and specify which type of complement they are:
I made the family eggs and toast for breakfast. 

DO: toast, eggs

IO: family 


1. What is the meaning and part of speech of inexorable

2. What is the meaning and part of speech of portent

1. Adjective; Inevitable

2. noun, an omen 


1. The once placid lake was disturbed by the tornado.

2. The food appeared at the importune moment for the starving traveler. 

3. She was so nervous, she became a tremulous

1. true 

2. false (importune = to pester) 

3. false (tremulous = adj.)


What is the "formula" for a strong capture phrase? 

Fetch word + adjective + noun + analysis verb


Identify how dramatic irony is demonstrated in "The Tell-Tale Heart." 

There are many moments where the narrator believes himself to have good judgement and wisdom. Readers know this is not true based on his actions and strange musings. 


Identify all complements in the following sentence:

Give whoever reads first your attention.

DO= attention

IO= whoever reads first (noun clause)
