Fall Fruits
Fall Vegetables
Fall Herbs/Flavor Enhancers

This fruit, known for being patriotic, was brought to the Americas in the 17th century. Used now in many forms, it is thought to help you avoid those medical copays.

What is an apple?


These guys come in many varieties and are easy to store over the winter. When exposed to UV lights, they are a great source of Vitamin D.  But be careful, some are not edible.

What are mushrooms?


A staple for flavor in the Mediterranean, this bulbous plant has been associated with improving cardiovascular health but usually in large dose supplements.

What is garlic?


You may be asked to toss the "pigskin" in this American sport.

What is football?


This veggie is yellow in color and rich in fiber. It's outer shell is hard, but the inside will easily shred for a fun twist on pasta night.

What is spaghetti squash?


This fruit loves cooler temperatures for growing and in fact, its tree serves as a hangout for a partridge when Santa comes to town.

What is a pear?


Little and cute, these veggies look similar to a much larger veggie Originating in its current form in Belgium, it is high in Vitamin C and Vitamin K with some B’s thrown in.

What are brussels sprouts?


A root, spicy and pungent, a favorite in Asian dishes, and is also an antidote to nausea.

What is ginger?


This sport is known by a different name outside of America. This game is 90 minutes long and can be watched during the summer Olympics.

What is soccer? (football)


This colorful and versatile veggie is rich in vitamin C. Red, orange, yellow, and green are some of the colors you can see.

What is a bell pepper?


This fruit is known for a favorite beverage around the world, and it is also high in the antioxidant, reservatrol, associated with longevity.

What are grapes?


This dark leafy green contains tons of antioxidants and Vitamin K.  Not from Switzerland, it originates from the Mediterranean area and is packed with nutrients.

What is Swiss Chard?


A smaller cousin to the onion, its a bulbous plant that likes a cooler growing season.  Loved in Asia and the Middle East.

What are shallots?


Invented in 1895, this non-contact sport was originally called Mintonette. This game can be played on a court or even in the sand.

What is volleyball?


This crop's name comes from an Italian word meaning “the flowering top of a cabbage." It must be hand harvested.

What is broccoli?


Considered the jewel of autumn, and one of the oldest known fruits, this one’s abundance in antioxidants classifies it a superfood.

What is a pomegranate?

This veggie is usually seen in white but also comes in orange and purple.   It is high in fiber, folate, Vitamin C and is low in calories and dense in nutrition and can be eaten cooked or raw.

What is cauliflower?


It grows from green to red and it can bring on the heat.  High in Vitamin A and C too.

What are jalapeno peppers?


This type of exercise will help improve your muscle strength and endurance.

What is resistance training?


Wisconsin and its cool weather is the US’s largest producers of these little beauties which are great sources of Vitamin C, fiber and manganese and the antioxidant, proanthocyanidin.

What are cranberries?


This fruit is thinner and more acidic and had a stronger taste than its Persian counterpart, but it is still high in Vitamin C and is low in calories.

What are key limes?

Indigenous to the Americas, this veggie is usually green on the outside and yellow/orange on the inside. Rich in B and C vitamins, magnesium and manganese, it packs a big nutritional punch for little calories.

What is acorn squash?


A wise old herb that often shows up for Thanksgiving.  A member of the mint family, it also had antioxidant properties.

What is sage?


The number of minutes we should participate in moderate-intensity activity each week.

(Physical Activity Guidelines)

What is 150?


There's no need to get emotional about this crop. Part of the allium family, it releases sulfuric acid when cut.

What are onions?
