Which president made turkey pardoning an annual event?
Hint: He was our 41st president
Hint 2: His son was our 43rd president
Who is George H.W Bush
What was candy corn originally named?
What is Chicken Feed?
November 2nd is what holiday in Mexico?
What is Dia de los Muertos? Also known as Day of the Dead.
When was the first Thanksgiving football game?
Hint: If you guess 1880 or up you're wrong
Hint 2: It was a college game between Yale and Princeton
1876. Fun fact Yale won 2-0
The most popular Halloween candy in America?
What is Skittles?
When is the Autumn Equinox? (When the season "officially" changes to fall)
What is September 23rd?
When was the first NFL Thanksgiving game played
Hint: It was the Akron Pros vs. Canton Bulldogs
Hint 2: if you guessed 1910 or lower you're wrong
When is 1920? Fun fact the Akron Pros won 7-0. The only NFL game they ever won.
What vegetable did they carve before carving pumpkins?
They carved on potatoes and turnips.
What 2 produce items are commonly harvested during autumn?
What are pumpkins and apples?
Which President officially made Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday of November?
Hint: He was our 32nd President.
Hint 2: He is the only president to have served more than 2 terms.
Who is Franklin D Roosevelt? Fun fact his first attempt was to make Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November.
Who sings the original "Monster Mash"
Who is Bobby Pickett?
Which colorful phenomenon is visible during fall? (Usually its in the northern part of the Americas, like Canada and Alaska)
How many woman were recorded to be at the very FIRST Thanksgiving?
What is 5?
What group of people (think countries) started the tradition of carving pumpkins?
Who is the Irish?
How many apples does it take to create one gallon of apple cider?
What is 36?