Preventing Falls
Scary thoughts
Upcoming events
The Big C
Every 11 second an older adult is treated in the emergency room for this. A lot of people die as a result of these, resulting in the most common cause of non fatal trauma related hospital admissions among older adults
What is a Fall?
After the age of 40 if someone is not active they can lose 1 to 2% of this every year, making them more frail, prone to chronic disease and increase their risk for a fall
What is Muscle Mass?
Tap or bottled? Niagara Region's environmental services will be here to explain the process they go to to ensure that this is safe.
What is drinking water?
Your Wellness Resources Coordinator would like to see more people at exercise and is always looking to help you to learn about managing your health. If you don't see her, leave a message at the wellness office and she'll be sure to program according to your needs and interests!!!
Who is Teresa Chambers?
This holiday has past for us but will be celebrated next month by our American friends
What is Thanksgiving?
Engaging in 150 minutes a week to improve your balance flexibility and strength will make you stringer to avoid falls or make injuries less if you do fall, including reaction time
What is Exercise
If an older adult is experiencing this they could be at high risk for Urinary Tract Infections, experience decreased kidney function which could be dangerous, confusion, dizziness which can increase risk for falls, low blood pressure, constipation, dry mouth and sunken eyes
What is Dehydration?
Using plants and oils, the compounds derived can improve physical and mental well being. This workshop will affect your senses and give you an understanding of how scents can affect our well being.
What is the Aromatherapy workshop?
A tumor that affects the large intestine and the digestive system turning into this type of cancer. More studies are finding that the consumption of meat is a direct cause of this disease. Early detection is the key to curing it before it becomes fatal
What is Colorectal cancer?
This root plant is delicious in our cuisine, but loathed by vampires. Put it around your neck, and carry a wooden stake to avoid them
What is garlic?
Side effects of these can cause falls. Make sure you speak to your pharmacist to ensure they are up to date and taken correctly
What is medication?
This legal document must be as detailed as possible when putting one of these in place which expresses your interests should an emergency occur. They could help to avoid dragging out misery, but could be followed if one has a fall and loses cautiousness for a moment, and could be saved
What is a DNR? Do not Resuscitate?
There is a scary disease that our government is trying very hard to get the public to be proactive in their health to avoid it. The Screen for Life Bus was just offered last month at QUEST and this Society will be here with a display to spread the word on prevention. Factors to avoid it include eating well, exercise, testing regularly and even minimizing stress
What is the Canadian Cancer Society?
Fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes will give you a high dose of fiber (you need between 25-35 grams a day) along with keeping hydrated, and engaging in physical activity on a regular basis will keep you smooth sailing to avoid this. If you become in this state you can get obstructions of the bowel, feel horrible and even experience a hemorrhoid flare up.
What is Constipation?
This bone found in the head is often a sign of Halloween?
What is the Skull?
Getting both of these checked every year will help you to stay on your feet
What is vision and hearing?
It has been recognized that people aged 65 and over are at greater risk of serious complications from this. Every year seems to be increasing in severity and aside from washing ones hands, avoiding people who are sick and covering a cough, people practice this safe measure.
What is the Flu Shot? It may not avoid one from catching something, but recovery will be faster. You can't get sick from it unless the virus was already in your system at the time of getting this as it can incubate for up to 2 weeks before showing any symptoms. There will be a clinic here on Tuesday November 7. See the calendar for details
This clinic will be here for anyone wanting to avoid spreading lethal germs to others who are 65+, and to protect themselves from the horrible virus that hits its peak every year during the fall and winter months
What is the flu shot clinic?
A wax like substance found in almost every cell of your body. It is both made in your liver and ingested through your food. To keep it in check and avoid the bad one choose healthier fats (avoid saturated fats from animal sources), eliminate transfats, eat foods rich in omega 3's increase your fiber intake, and exercise!!!
What is Cholesterol?
October is a month for awareness of eating less animal products for one's health, the planet and other living beings, as it November 1
What is Vegetarian Month and World Vegan day?
Community Support Services Niagara can have an expert come into your home to make suggestions on how to keep your home safe at no charge to you. This program has a brochure that is bright yellow located in the dining room
What is the Safety at Home Program?
By not regularly visiting the doctor or not managing this, it can take a toll on the body including blindness, neuropathy, kidney disease, amputations due to dead tissue, problems with blood vessels causing heart attack or stroke
What is Diabetes?
Patti will be back for two weeks to shake it and not break it. This form of exercise is worth its weight in gold is a fun way to get a workout. You can control the intensity and it's free!!!!
What is Zumba Gold?
As part of the cancer fighting cruciferous family, it has many health benefits. It is antioxidant rich, anti-inflammatory and may boost both your heart and brain health. It can help to support healthy digestion and detoxification. This is a veggie everyone should eat raw or cooked!!!
What is Cauliflower?
On Remembrance Day our nation's capital will gather here for a celebration that will be televised. The Prime Minister, members of the royal family will place wreaths here and acknowledge a moment of silence. If you can't get out, tune your television channel to any Canadian channel to see it.
What is Parliment Hill?