Frightened Nerdfighter
It's About Drive It's About Power
It Says Here I'm the Werewolf?
Two Nickels
And they were "Rivals"

I would watch this indie horror game popularized by Markiplier. I was scared of both the robots and my parents catching me.

Five Nights at Freddy's


In the Mario games, you pick up this item
become temporarily invulnerable to damage

Super Star


If you draw this card in Secret Hitler, you know Hitler but are not known by Hitler, and historically you might be a member of the Ustaše, the Falange or la Cagoule.



Identify either of these characters, one the archivist protagonist of a horror podcast, and one the frontman of a space pirate cabaret band, who both share a first name with the man who created and performed as them.

Jonathan Sims and Jonny d'Ville


One tries to get the other to laugh to no avail. They are always at odds with each other, yet without the other, laughing loses it's luster.

Batman and Joker


This old Nintendo game has a town famously notorious for giving kids headaches and paranoia. 

Pokemon Red/Blue/Green


In Dungeons and Dragons 5e, when a rogue
has advantage on an attack roll or an enemy of
the target is with in 5 feet of item, they can deal
extra damage using this feature.

Sneak Attack


King Arthur Pendragon's half-sister — this woman who's immune to magic in Quest — has about a million different spellings of her name, so don't be too harsh on the answerline.

Morgan le Fey


Identify either of the two Ace Attorney cases where a statue being lifted on a wire is mistaken for someone magically flying.

Turnabout Big Top OR Turnabout Ablaze


This couple likes to go on long runs together. His silly nature breaks through the other's edgy persona. But when things get tough, they manage to find a way to work together.

Sonic and Shadow


This is the game I found out I had thalassophobia. I could not leave the escape pod into the water if I wanted to



Satoru Gojo using this this technique to control
the space around him. The main use is to
increase the distance between him and an
oppenant's attack to infinity making him



This One Night Werewolf character is probably part of a Lodge where he performs geometically symbolic rituals.

The Mason


Identify either one of these memoirs by Leonard Nimoy, whose titles both reference his relationship with the Star Trek character he portrayed for over 40 years.

I Am Spock OR I Am Not Spock


Although one had threatened the other's world, they eventually became each other's world. They train daily, pushing each other to become stronger. When fused together, they become unstoppable.

Goku and Vegeta


This Bethesda game known for blowing up the institute and sticking it to your son had so much blood I was scared of playing it in front of my parents.

Fallout 4


Tony Tony Chopper, the resident doctor of the
Straw Hat Pirates, was orginially just a reindeer
until eating a Devil Fruit by this name
to gain the ablity to speak and shift forms.

The Human Human Fruit/ Hito Hito no Mi


I constantly confuse this sturdy character from Coup with a similarly named character from Love Letter with a value of 7.



Identify either of the two Keanu Reeves characters who are named "Johnny" and live in a cyberpunk dystopia.

Johnny Mnemonic OR Johnny Silverhand


He lives in the other's mind rent free. No matter much this soldier fights, he can't escape his angel. Their large swords always seem to be clashing all the same.

Cloud and Sephiroth


Halfway through this game, there is a notorious dungeon at the bottom of a well. Therein lies a creepy flesh monster with many arms.

Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time


In the game Bloodborne, the hunter can grow
this stat through items, fighting bosses, and
exploring the world. This stat is unique as it
not only changes you, but the world around you
as well.



This Blood on the Clocktower character — who changes alignment when affected by another character's power — shares its name with hockey slang for an enforcer.



Identify either one of these two villanous dentists from professional wrestling.

Dr. Isaac Yankem, DDS OR Dr. Britt Baker, DMD


They heldblood hands while looking up at the sky.

naruto and sasuke
