What date is considered the first day of fall
September 23rd
What color do leaves turn when they die
A carved pumpkin is also known as a
Halloween is celebrated on what date
October 31st
What is the freshest fall fruit
What is another term for the start of fall
Autumn Equinox
What are the 3 most common colors leaves change to
Red, Orange, Yellow
What family does the pumpkin belong to
What is the most popular Halloween candy
What month in fall is known for having more births than any other time in the year
What time change is made when daylight savings time ends
Move clocks back one hour
What area in the United States is most popular for viewing the fall leaves
What are pumpkins mostly made of
Trick or treaters originally received this instead of candy
In what direction do birds begin to migrate to in Autumn
What solstice comes after autumn equinox
What are trees called that do not lose their leaves
What food group to pumpkins fall under
What country is known for the birthplace of Halloween
What is the other US holiday celebrated in October
Columbus Day
What fall activity was once a British courting ritual
Bobbing for apples
What do the leaves lose that gives them a change of color
What vitamins are Pumpkins high in
Vitamin A
These 3 ingredients make up a popular Halloween candy: sugar, marshmallows, corn syrup
Candy Corn
What is the full moon closest to the autumn equinox called
Harvest Moon