What is a rake?
Something leaves fall off
What is a tree?
A yellow, orange, and white treat you can eat
What is candy corn?
A hot apple drink
What is cider?
Something used to scare off crows in the crop fields
What is a scarecrow?
A color of apples
What is red?
What is "trick-or-treat"?
A snack that you eat at the movies
What is popcorn?
The month of Halloween
What is October?
A scary creature with big teeth
What is a monster?
When a fruit is bad and no longer okay to eat
What is rotten?
Something a witch flies on
What is a broom/broomstick?
Cutting a face or object into a pumpkin
What is carve?
A type of clothing you can wear when it's cold outside
What is a sweater?
How you feel when someone says "boo!"
What is scared?
When a fruit is ready to eat
What is ripe?
Who is Frankenstein?
When you gather the crops
What is harvest?
Walking under this object is considered bad luck
What is a ladder?
A loud sound someone makes when they are scared
What is a scream?
What is "rest in peace"?
A famous vampire
Who is Dracula?
When someone transforms into this creature during a full moon
What is a werewolf?
A "brown recluse" is this type of animal
What is a spider?
A pumpkin that is carved with a light inside
What is a jack-o-lantern?