Everyone hates vegetables, so they must be bad for you.
If you don't support this war, you hate your country.
False dilemma; either-or fallacy
Machines are getting smarter; soon they'll take over the world.
Slippery Slope Fallacy. Assumes a small step leads to a drastic outcome.
Why should we care about climate change from a celebrity who flies around on private jets?
Ad Hominem
Studying for exams is like going to the gym.
Faulty analogy
That politician is a crook, because only a crook would act like that.
Begging the question.
This art is meaningless because only someone without taste wouldn't appreciate it.
Begging the question.
My opponent is wrong because they're just so rude.
Ad Hominem Attack. Attacks the person; not the argument.
All teenagers are irresponsible; I saw one texting while driving.
Hasty generalization
Everyone else is investing in crypto, so I should too
Organic food is better for you than regular food, so it must cure cancer.
Hasty generalization.
We need a stronger military! Did you see that play the home team made the other night?
If gun control laws were passed, criminals would be the only ones with guns.
False Dilemma. Either or
Organic farming is better for the environment because it doesn't use chemicals.
False dichotomy (either or): Ignores potential downside of organic methods.
This law is unfair because it only benefits the rich.
False dilemma (either or)
Marriage has always been between a man and a woman.
Appeal to tradition.
You want free healthcare? So everyone gets the same treatment, regardless of need?
Straw Man fallacy
Free healthcare sounds great, but there's no such thing as a free lunch;
Red Herring-- distracts from main issue.
Tuition costs keep rising; college must not be worth it anymore.
Non-sequitur. The result does not necessarily follow the supposed cause.
They're a good person because they donate to charity.
False cause or Post Hoc-- charitable acts don't guarantee good character.
That politician can't be trusted; they associate with known extremists.
Guilt by Association
Online textbooks are not as good as the physical textbooks we have always used.
Appeal to tradition
This movie was terrible! And the popcorn was way too salty.
Red Herring
Video games cause violence; all those violent games must be turning kids into killers.
Non-sequitur. It does not follow.
"Animal shelters are overflowing! You must hate pets!"
Straw Man fallacy