You can be right or wrong, but you can't have it both ways.
What is False Dilemma?
With BLANK fallacies, an arguer makes an incorrect or unsupported link between cause and effect
What are "deductive" fallacies?
A question whose answer implies guilt regardless of which way it is answered.
What is "loaded question"?
Mr. Jones: I believe that capitalism gives most people an incentive to work and save.
Mr. Webber: You say that capitalism is good because everybody earns whatever wealth they have, but this is clearly false because many people just inherit their fortunes.
What is "Straw Man" fallacy?
BLANK fallacies are the result of the incorrect use of evidence.
What are "Inductive" fallacies?
My brother could not have stolen that car. Our parents raised him better than that.
What is "No True Scotsman"?
Because a FEW people/things in a group are a certain way, it is argued that ALL members/items of that same group are that same way, constituting a BLANK fallacy.
What is "hasty generalization"?
A BLANK fallacy occurs when an arguer infers that what is true of a whole must also be true of its constituents and justification for that inference is not provided.
What is "division"?
Paranormal phenomena exist because I have had experiences that can only be described as paranormal.
What is "Begging the Question"
The two kinds of proper relationships between reasons and conclusions.
What is "validity and strength"?
The name of the BLANK fallacy is sometimes used loosely to refer to any kind of diversionary tactic, such as presenting relatively unimportant arguments that will use up the other debaters' speaking time and distract them from more important issues.
What is "red herring"?
You told me not to use that cleanser, so what exactly is that all over your face?
What is "Appeal to Hypocrisy".
I don't see how you can say you're an ethical person. It's so hard to get you to do anything; your work ethic is so poor.
What is "Fallacy of Equivocation"
The two main categories of fallacies.
What are "inductive and deductive" fallacies?
Atoms are colorless. Cats are made of atoms, so cats are colorless.
What is "composition fallacy"?
Elizabeth: "You can't get whiteboards the size you want."
Brian: "How do you know?"
Elizabeth: "All the white boards in my school are 8 feet across and five feet long. That's the only size anyone makes."
What is "Hasty Generalization"?
Fallacious arguments, which are almost always BLANK arguments, may well have true conclusions.
What is "invalid"?
The leg on this chair is broken, so I guess we better check all the chairs to see which ones need to be replaced.
What is "Fallacy of Composition"
The fallacy committed when an argument mistakenly attempt to establish a causal connection.
What is "false cause"?
If we don’t bail out the big automakers, the US economy will collapse. Therefore, we need to bail out the automakers
What is "Appeal to Fear"
Salesman: This car gets better than average gas mileage and is one of the most reliable cars according to Consumer Reports.
Will: I doubt it—you obviously just want to sell me that car.
What is "Ad Hominem Circumstantial"
The prosecutor's use of graphic crime scene photos to demonstrate to the jury the nature of the defendant's actions.
What is "appeal to pity"?
(Def): the premises include the claim that the conclusion is true or (directly or indirectly) assume that the conclusion is true.
What is "Begging the Question"?
This term implies a matter of degrees, and it applies to arguments that are not valid.
What is "strength"?
A BLANK is an error in logic that can make a plausible, but misleading argument.