The speaker makes an argument by comparing two things that really are not very similar
false analogy
Observing particular facts to prove a general conclusion
Inductive Reasoning
"You should buy a Ford. All Ford trucks are tough and reliable."
Sweeping Generalization
The only reason you are promoting small business owning is because you went to that small business promoting conference and can no longer see the benefits of large businesses.
Genetic Fallacy
False Cause
The speaker makes an argument on the basis of too few examples
hasty generalization
Data that can be observed or experienced
Empirical Data
"Of course we have more violent crimes in our society, consider all the violence on tv and movies"
False Cause
It was the Presidential address that led to mass hysteria
False Cause
False Analogy (Two things being compared- going to the gym and McDonalds- and they are using the similarity of the word gym and name Jim. There are not enough similarities for this to be a strong analogy).
The speaker makes an argument using a weak causal connection
false cause
The conclusions of an inductive argument can never be ......
People who eat broccoli daily are 65% less likely to have any auto immune disease.
Fake Precision
The presentation was brilliant but of course you wouldn't feel the same since you are small minded and uncultured.
Adhominem Abusive
False Cause
The speaker extends a generalization to exceptional cases
sweeping generalization
The 5 fallacies of induction are
sweeping generalization, hasty generalization, false analogy, false cause, fake precision
Can you believe I found a chicken nugget in my Wendy's chili? They need to stop making chili right away!
Hasty Generalization
If you don't take your vitamins regularly, you will be at risk for a number of diseases. You may not have a long life span.
Appeal to Fear
False Precision
The speaker misuses statistics
fake precision
Inductive fallacies are arguments that misuse __________ data or don't follow proper methods of inductive reasoning
I need to buy a Mother's Day gift for my mom. All moms love home made gifts and prefer you to save money. So I am not going to actually buy her anything.
Sweeping Generalization (Although she might love your home gift- you should consider treating your hard working momma :)! )
I have two major exams to study for. My Latin teacher is telling me my latin exam is most important and my Science teacher is telling me the my science exam is most important to prepare for. I am just going to study half of my latin and half of my science material.
Fallacy of Moderation
Hasty Generalization