
You should vote for Bill. You heard about the fates of those who didn't.

What is appeal to force?


"God exists." "How do you know that God exists?" "The Bible says so." "Why should I believe the Bible?" "Because it's the inspired word of God."

What is Circular Reasoning? 


Everybody else jumped off the bridge, so I did too!

What is argumentum ad populum? (Bandwagon approach)


A good Patriot would never miss a DBU home game. It's un-American!

Argumentum Ad Populum (Patriotic approach)


A girl ghosted me once for no reason. All women treat men horribly without any logic to their actions.

What is Hasty Generalization?


Sure, God could be real, but the universe could also have been created by a fairy unicorn five minutes ago. You can't prove or disprove either one, so neither is worth believing.

What is Argument from a Lack of Evidence?


To find out if chocolate is healthy, we asked Hershey's and Godiva's scientists their opinion.

What is Appeal to Improper Authority? (Biased Authority)

Making students turn off their cell phones during every class is impossible, so we shouldn't try to make reasonable rules about how they're used either.

What is Argument from the Negative?


Corrupt politicians like Sally should not be elected into office.

What is Begging the Question? 


Jews are known for being greedy. Christians are hypocritical. Muslims are terrorists. Really, when you look at it, religion is just a poisonous blight on the planet.

What is Stacking the Deck?


Either we must maintain the institution of slavery or face an unprecedented wave of violence upon its abolition.

What is either/or fallacy?


Most students love composition courses. 80% of the ones I interviewed said they love English Composition classes. It doesn't matter that four of the five I talked to were English majors. 

What is Hasty Generalization? (Misleading Statistic)


This statue has been here for thirty years, so why should we change it now? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

What is Appeal to Tradition?


We can't do what he says - he's a Buddhist!

What is Argumentum Ad Hominem? (To the Man, Personal Attack)


Giving up our nuclear arsenal in the 1980s weakened the United States' military. Giving up nuclear weaponry also weakened China in the 1990s. For this reason, it is wrong to increase gun restrictions in the United States today.

What is Non Sequitur?


I always fail my big tests after our football team loses. They're the reason I am not passing science 1301!

What is False Cause? (Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc)


Illegals shouldn't be here, much less kill people. These people would be alive today if we had a taller wall.

What is Irrelevant Conclusion?


"Thomas Jefferson himself kept slaves, so we should dismiss his arguments in favor of freeing them."

What is Tu Quoque? (And you too!) Also called the Appeal to Hypocrisy.


If we allow the government to infringe upon our right to privacy on the Internet, it will then feel free to infringe upon our privacy on the telephone. After that, FBI agents will be reading our mail. Then they will be placing cameras in our houses. We must not let any governmental agency interfere with our Internet communications, or privacy will completely vanish in the United States.

What is Slippery Slope?


Though I am running a fever and coughing today, I should come to class because attendance is important.

What is Fallacy of Accident?
