This fallacy attacks a person’s character instead of addressing their argument.
What is ad hominem/personal attack?
"Please don't give me a ticket, officer. I'm having such a terrible day. I woke up with pink eye, my cat peed on my favorite sweater, and then I spilled my nonfat decaf triple foam sugar free vanilla latte with caramel drizzle!"
What is appeal to pity?
This fallacy distorts someone's position to make it easier to refute.
What is straw man?
"Hello, I am your warm and inviting First Lady, Melania Trump. When I make grilled cheese sandwiches for my family, I use Kraft American Cheese-Like Slices. If your family is anything like mine, they'll love the gooey goodness of Kraft."
What is inappropriate appeal to authority (when the source is not a genuine authority on the topic)?
Whenever I wear my lucky socks, I have smooth drive to work. My socks must control traffic!"
What is questionable cause?
This fallacy accuses someone of hypocrisy instead of addressing their argument.
What is tu quoque?
This fallacy assumes that something is true because of a lack of evidence against it.
What is appeal to ignorance?
What is begging the question?
"Have you changed your wicked ways?"
What is loaded question?
"Tony and Dave are wearing pants and a hoodie. Jorge is wearing pants. So, Jorge must also be wearing a hoodie."
What is weak analogy?
This fallacy justifies unethical behavior by claiming that since others do it, it must be okay.
What is two wrongs make a right?
"You’re home alone. You’ve just heard on the radio that a homicidal maniac has escaped from the State Pen. Suddenly, you hear the sound of breaking glass. What do you do? Don’t let this happen to you! Give your family the peace of mind they deserve. Call Allied Security today!"
What is scare tactics?
A news outlet shifts attention from a government scandal by devoting much of its coverage to celebrity gossip.
What is red herring?
"Hi, I'm Director of Health and Human Services, RFK Jr. Most scientists agree that the levels of fluoride in the water supply are not nearly high enough to lead to damaging effects, but this one scientist I talked to said they are, and I believe him."
What is inappropriate appeal to authority (when a source's claim conflicts with the conclusions of established experts).
"Victor Wembanyama is a terrific basketball player, so the San Antonio Spurs must be a terrific team!"
What is composition?
“The senator’s statement about inflation is invalid because he’s a millionaire who doesn’t care about regular people.”
What is ad hominem?
"We haven't proven that there is life beyond Earth, so Earth must be the only planet in the solar system that can sustain life."
What is appeal to ignorance?
This fallacy occurs when a word is used in two different senses within an argument, creating a misleading conclusion.
What is equivocation?
"Either we ban plastic entirely, or everyone is going to get cancer!"
What is false alternatives?
"Patagonia is an ethical company, so all of its employees must be ethical, too."
What is division?
At recent climate change conferences, many developing nations argued against setting strict emissions standards, claiming that this would put them at a competitive disadvantage against rich industrialized nations that have already benefited from lax environmental standards. But these developing nations are just jealous of the high standard of living industrialized nations have achieved.
What is attacking the motive?
"Other top universities are raising tuition, so we should raise tuition, too."
What is bandwagon argument?
Politician 1: "We need to make education funding a priority."
Politician 2: "Oh, so you want to raise taxes. Next thing you know, we'll be living under communism!"
Name the two fallacies at play here.
What are straw man and slippery slope?
"I spent a week in New York last year, and everyone I met was helpful and friendly. Everyone in New York must be helpful and friendly."
What is hasty generalization?
"A study shows that ice cream sales and drowning rates both increase in the summer months. Eating ice cream must lead to more drownings!"
What is questionable cause?