Autumn Edibles
Haunted Halloween
Fall Favourites
Foliage in Fall
Spooky Scary

A member of the Cucurbitaceae Family that is often times grown for decorations or pies

What is a Pumpkin?


Flying through the sky on their brooms, these horrible women build houses of candy and melt if they are wet.



Don't get lost in this as the combines will be coming soon to finish the harvest

Corn Maze


Despite the First Day of Fall being September 23rd, most people consider the Beginning of Autumn to be when this happens.

The leaves begin to change color


This classic horror movie showed a girl that was tricked at prom and left covered in pigs blood, but in an act of revenge she uses her new found powers to burn down the school


This beverage is made by simmering apples on a low heat with various of other ingredients such as orange peels, cinnamon, allspice, star anise, and vanilla for hours. Often times hard liquors are added but are not required.

Apple Cider


Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet

Give me something good to eat

If you don't, I won't care


I'll pull up your underwear


Grab your friend's hand and close your eyes, you may run into a ghost, clown, or a chainsaw wielding murderer if you travel through this attraction ran by trained actors

Haunted House


This tree's leaves shift from green to yellow to orange to red and can be used to harvest sap to boil down to Maple Syrup

Sugar Maple


Based on a Raggedy Anne Doll, this newer instant classic tells the story of the world's "Most Possessed Doll"



Shredding this fruit from the squash family, internationally known by its French name Courgette, and mixing it with various ingredients such as flour, baking powder, and cinnamon allows you to make a delicious desert bread


The Catholic Church took Halloween and shifted to make it a Holy Day, Which Holy day can be found around Halloween?

All Saint's Day or All Soul's Day


At the start of the season you may need to practice on the grill before you meet up in the parking lot of the big game! From Highschool Homecoming to the NFL, if you're good at this you'll be invited to all of the BBQs next summer



Classic fall flowers which can be purchased through most schools as a fundraiser blossom in a tight round ball in a variety of colors from red to yellow to pink and orange.

Mums or Chrysanthemums 


"I'll put a spell on you, and now you're mine." a famous quote from this Disney classic from the 90's starring Bette Midler as the oldest of three witches known as the Sanderson Sisters 

Hocus Pocus


known as "One of the Three Sisters" for traditional American crop growing, this agricultural staple is synonymous with the Midwest and can be turned into flour for breads and other baked goods or be used in soups or salads or as a dish on it's own.


Found in the 18th century, the story of Stingy Jack tricking the devil not once, but twice, which prevented him from going to Heaven or Hell is the origins story for this Halloween Decoration



Put on your mask and grab a bag, it is time to take candy from stranger.

Tricker or Treating!

Once all the leaves have fallen this tree stand out as it appears to have lost all of it's bark, exposing it's white trunk



This "King of the Pumpkin Patch" who lived in Halloween Town found his way to Christmas Town. Inspired he decided to take control of Christmas with the other Halloween Monsters in the Tim Burton Movie "Nightmare Before Christmas"

Jack Skellington


This fat bird, native to America, can grow to weigh 25lbs and stand 4 feet tall! This bird almost became our national bird but instead has become a classic dinner centerpiece.



The original holiday that was celebrated on October 31st, that eventually evolved into Halloween, was of Celtic Origins that celebrated the end of the harvest where people would light bonfires and dress in costumes to scare away ghosts and evil spirits



Grab a cup of cider and relax, the tractor will do all the work as you can travel through the orchards in peace



A reason leaves should not be thrown away after they fall and are raked up include:

Leaves are natural fertilizer

Leaves are homes to small animals

Leaves have eggs for moths and other necessary insects

So you can jump in them


This evil spirit possesses and kills teenagers in their sleep! Covered in burn scars with large blades on his fingers, this horror classic villain has had nine movies such as "Nightmare on Elm St"

Freddy Krueger
