This unit of measure is the distance a burst of light travels in one year about 5.8 trillion miles
Light year
Nerdy teen hangs out on the web.
Iron man
Robert Downey Jr
Which fast food chain serves a burger called the “Whopper”?
Burger King
lion, tinman, scarecrow, and little girl
Wizard of Oz
It's the highest mountain in Kenya
Mt. Kenya
Orphan becomes cave-man.
Billy Madison
Adam Sandler
What is the largest fast food chain in the world?
4 men fight ghosts
This musical takes place in Philadelphia in the summer of 1776
Illegal immigrant is allergic to rocks.
Jack (Titanic)
Leonardo Dicaprio
What fast-food chain is known for its square-shaped burgers?
Turtles and radioactive waste shouldnt mix
Teenage mutant ninja tutrles
What word doesnt have a synonym
Patriotic man has a lot of serums and becomes hot.
Captain America
John wick
Keanu Reeves
Who delivered the first pizza into space?
Pizza Hut
Kyle, cartmen, kenny, stan(or just south park kids)
The Rhine River flows north from Switzerland into Germany & through the Netherlands before emptying into this sea
North Sea
(Daily Double) Lawyer hero lacks foresight.
Nick Fury
Samuel L Jackson
(Daily Double) What is the oldest fast food restaurant in the world?
White castle
invisible, torch, elastic, thing
Fantastic 4