When was autumn born
February 19 2013
When was madison born
March 31 2012
When was Ja'da born
When was desmond born
what autumn like
biting daddy and and madison's ears
what is autumns favorite food
rice and cheese
What is autumn favorite food
snacks like cookies and wendy's and daddy's cooking mommie's baking and burger king
What is Ja'da favorite food favorite
fish and wendys and burger king
What is desmond favorite food
What he cooks and omlets.
WHat can madi do with her eyes
she can cross her eyes.
What does autumn like?
food and cuddles fashion and family
what does madi like
family tv a lil bit of fashion and cuddles
What does ja'da like
books vacation and family
WHat does desmond like
he likes snuggles family sleep vacation keeping things tidy
What does Ja'da do when she has a fashion no no
she wears something stylish
What is autumn alergic too
What is madison least favorite fruit
watermelon and bannana's
what does Ja'da do not like
a mess
whats does desmond does not like
a mess
What can desmond do
he can bake too
WHat is autumn's darkest fear
leaving her family.
What is madison's fear
leaving my family and being lost forever
what is Ja'da fear
her kids are lost
What is desmond fear
That his kids are lost.
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