What is serial monogamy?
When a person have several marriage partners over their lifetime, but only one at a time.
What are the components of a nuclear family?
What does family of choice refer to?
"A chosen, family-like relationship with others, or a social network (p. 94).
What is one critique of cohabitation by the New Right?
1. Cohabitation relationships are more unstable and less likely to last than marriages are.
2. Sexual behavior of cohabitating adults are like single adults (other partners)
3. Cohabitants with children are more likely to divorce.
4. Relationship more likely to be cruel or abusive. (p. 98)
Which theory posits that the family unit "helps to maintain and reproduce social inequalities by representing them as "normal and natural."
Marxism (p. 101)
What is the term for when two unmarried partners live together?
Name of of the three types of households.
Couple households (two people without children)
Shared households (non-relative individuals)
These are male and female roles played within the home
What are conjugal roles?
What is one type of postmodern family unit?
Two parents working
single parent
adopted child
surrogate mother
Why does feminism view the family group as patriarchal and oppressive?
"Imprisons" women into a narrow range of service roles and responsibilities, such as domestic labor and childcare.
This type of love is based on "unconditionality."
Romantic love (p. 92)
What does "reconstituted" mean?
It means the essence has been recreated. "Re-mixed or re-created"
What is patriarchal family?
The father or eldest man is head of the family and exercises authority.
Which family unit philosophy posits there is "not single correct way to 'be a family?"
Postmodern family
This type of love is based on what one partner can get from another (status, money, etc.).
Confluent love
Describe the horizontally extended families.
"Branches" of families within generations including siblings, aunt/uncles, or cousins
This type of family structure develops in societies with low or declining birth rates and increasing life expectancies.
Beanpole family
Which family structure is seen as producing poorly socialized, dysfunctional children?
Single parenthood
What is one reason for increase in cohabitation and divorce?
Reduced social pressures to marry
Lower levels of stigma
Wider availability of birth control and abortion
Describe vertically extended families
What perspective posits that the "traditional nuclear family" consisting of two, heterosexual adults, with clearly defined gender roles... is best equipped to provide the base on which all other social relationships are built.
The New Right perspective (p. 97)