whats moms least favorite pet
least favorite color
what is green
what is DADs favorite color
what is BLUE
Lincoln's favorite color!
maggies favovite fruit
what is starwberrys and watermelon
what is moms favorite dance move
the roger rabbit
worst restraurant.
what is pizza pie cafe
does dad actually like swim?
what is Yes!!!!!!
least favorite color
Maggies favorite store to shop at
what is moms least faviote food
Best pet
what is cosmo
what pet is dads favorite
what is a dead one
favorite shoe brand
what is maggies least favorite food?
What is any type of fish
least favorite sports team
what is duke
does carter perfer glasses or contacts
what is contacts
Whats dads favorite employee
what is bryan
does linclon like his blonde hair or brown hair more.
who was maggie's first kiss with?
what is hunter
favorite place to shop at
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Carters favorite store at the mall.
cotton on
what is dads favorite shoe brand.
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who did lincoln have his first kiss with
What is lucy
maggies favorite planet