Who is the king of the gods?
Who is Zeus?
Who do most cheifs hate?
Salt bay
Tom Cruise biggest movie
What is Mission Impossible?
Who is the first president?
Who is George Washington?
Who died on the cross?
Who is Lord Jesus?
Who are in the big three?
Who are Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades?
What is the name of a Blue banana?
Ice cream banana
How many movies are there of Harry Potter?
What are eight?
Who is the most famous president?
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Who parted the seas?
Who si Moses?
Who is the Greek Translation of Vulcan?
Who is Hephestus?
Red banana
What is a heart banana?
How many jaws movies?
What are four?
What day did they start writing We The People?
When is July 2?
Who killed Able?
Who is Cain?
Who killed the Minatour?
Who is Theseus?
What type of food do you need the most?
What are carbohydrates?
What story is Ruby based off of?
What is The story of ruby?
What slave did Thomas Jefferson date?
Who is Sally Hemings?
What is the shortest verse?
What is "Jesus Wept"?
Who is the god of Death?
Who is Thanatos?
What fruit smell gross, but taste like pudding?
What is Durian?
What movie is about someone reading people out of books?
What is Inkheart?
Where is Monticello?
Where is Charlottesville, Virginia?
Who's story is in Viva LA Vida by Coldplay?
Who is John the Baptist?