What is 34
the year dad was born
What is 1978
The year mom was born
Mums full name
Kim Thoa Chau
Translate cow
What is con bò
What was the first food that we ate in vietnam
how for was vietnam to Qatar on the way back
20 hrs
Dads full name
Tanth phong bui
translate A
What is Một
X+24=40 solve for X
The hotel we stayed at in ocean city
What is a thing we alwaysed ate no matter the time
Bang Trắng
Co 2’s name
Yen Bui
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chúng tôi
Square root of 81 + 4
What is 13
What did we eat before leaving vietnam
The Phở shop right next to us
What food did we hate in Vietnam but loved it in the us
the jollibee
Grandma name
Hong mui
Translate rhino
What is tê giác
Not for sale
You get 0 points
What was the restaurant name that I sharted at from cheese
Some pirate thingy
When traveling what is the place where we stopped only once when we made to in our entire life of driving
Chic fil a
Grandpas name 2
Jimmy Bui
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