What is the name of the one girl Helen hates most in this world? (first and last name)
Anoushka Harris
Which frozen treat is she addicted to?
At what age did she swipe her v-card?
How old was she when she moved to Spain?
What was the name of our house Instagram?
How many people did she get with at the town hall?
Not shaving which body party gives Mebs a thrill?
What is her go-to drink order at a bar (if someone else is ordering for her so she can't be too fussy)?
Gin and (slimline) tonic
What instrument did she play at school and why did she have to stop playing?
Piano and stopped because she broke her hands
How many houses were there inbetween us and En Beaute?
What was the name of her first boyfriend?
Elliot Norman
What is her least favourite nickname?
What star sign does she identify with?
Aries (even though she is actually a Pisces)
What is the full name of her boarding school?
The Lawrenceville School
When did we host 'Sausage Party'? (What was the date?)
June 10th
What A levels did she do?
Maths, History and Geography
How many summers did she spend at band camp in Geneva?
What is her favourite season?
She used to be a part of a dance group, what genre of music did they dance to?
What month/year did we start the "Family 55EVA" chat?
May 2018
What is the title of her dissertation?
Self-determination and territorial integrity: the prevailing force under international law
In what year did she play 'piccolo' in a marching band at Twickenham?
Which 2 colleges was she never able to check off on college bingo?
Johns and Jobo
How many homes has she lived in? (including Uni houses but not holiday homes)
How many male suitors spent an evening at 55?