More Abuse
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All About Gabi

A nurse working at a middle school suspects that a student is experiencing physical abuse after collecting data from the student. What action should the nurse take next?

Report to CPS

Mandatory reporting statutes compel any health care practitioner to report any and all suspected human abuse of minors to CPS or other authorities who handle these kinds of cases.


Because of high divorce rates and separations in recent years, there has been an significant increase in the family structure termed:

Single parent Family


A nurse is educating a group of student nurses on symptoms of sexually abused women. What symptoms will the nurse include in the teaching?

Name at least 3

Increased anger

Chronic pelvic pain

Substance abuse disorder


Social withdrawal


What class of medications ends in -olol?

Beta Blockers


How many kids does Gabi have?



A nurse is caring for an older adult client whom the nurse suspects has experienced abuse by a non-partner. What principles does the nurse demonstrate by reporting their concern to a supervisor?

Ethical Decision Making

The nurse is demonstrating ethical decision-making by notifying their supervisor regarding the well-being of the client. Nurses need be able to recognize when ethical dilemmas occur and be able to apply ethical principles, client values, and professional ethics to ensure safety of the client.


A young client tells the nurse, "I have the best family in the world." When asked about who is in the family, the client replies, "I have lots of people in my family--my mon. my dad, 2 brothers, a sister, a grandma and grandpa, 2 uncles, 2 aunts and 3 cousins." The client is describing which type of family?

Extended Family


A nurse is working with the burn clinic at a local hospital. Which types of burns would the nurse address with the health care provider and social worker as possible results of abuse.

Name at least one

Linear pattern burns

Hand burns with a pattern

Small round burns


A nurse provides instructions to a client regarding the administration of the prednisone and instructs the client that the best time to take the medication is during?

After breakfast

Prednisone is a corticosteroid (glucocorticoids) and It should be administered early in the morning because it helps in decreasing the risk for adrenal insufficiency and stimulates the burst of glucocorticoids released naturally by the adrenal glands each morning.


What is Gabi's official title at IOT?

Associate Director of Nursing


A nurse in an emergency department often sees victims of intimate partner violence. What should the nurse take when caring for victims of violence?

Provide the client with information on resources in the community to support victims of violence.


A nurse is working with a family. What process should the nurse identify as the family demonstrating resilience during time of crisis?

Having a positive attitude and remaining flexible


The nurse is caring for 4 clients on the pediatric unit. Which client scenario provides the highest concern of suspected abuse of the child?

A. A 5-year-old whose father has guns in the home

B. A 3-year-old whose parents smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day

C. A 7-month-old with multiple bruises on; the legs in various colors

D. a 5-year-old with a broken humerus and bruising on his forehead

C. A 7-month-old with multiple bruises on; the legs in various colors


A client with diabetes insipidus is taking antidiuretic hormone. Which of the following symptoms would alert the need to decrease the dosage?

A. Drowsiness

B. Alopecia

C. Diarrhea

D. Jaundice 

A. Drowsiness

One of the side effects of taking antidiuretic hormone is water intoxication which is manifested by a headache, drowsiness, light-headedness, and shortness of breath. This could indicate the need to reduce the dosage.


What age did Gabi graduate high school?



A nurse is collecting the medical history of a 10-year-old client. The nurse notes that the child avoids eye contact and appears withdrawn. What is the nurse observing?

A non verbal sign of abuse


A nurse is assessing a family to identify potential risk factors. The nurse should recognize what as an example of an environmental risk factor?

Work stress


A nurse is working with a child whom she suspects may be a victim of maltreatment in her home. Which combination of characteristics related to the parents, the child and the circumstances would most strongly indicate the risk for maltreatment of the child?

A. The mother was abused as a child; this child was born prematurely; the father was recently fired from his job.

B. The father drinks beer occasionally; the child is an only child; the mother has had a recent illness.

C. The mother is a recovering drug abuser; the child has Down's syndrome; the family is lower income.

D. The father cares for the child at home; the child was born by cesarean section; the mother works outside the home full time.

A. The mother was abused as a child; this child was born prematurely; the father was recently fired from his job.


Which of the following medications decreases their action while taking thyroid hormone? 

A. Warfarin

B. Zoloft

C. Epinephrine

D. Metformin

D. Metformin

Metformin, an oral hypoglycemic drug when taken with a thyroid hormone decreases their action.


What was Gabi's "specialty" in the hospital?

Cardiac ICU


The school nurse observes an elementary school child arriving in the winter in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt with no coat. The nurse would consider this as which type of abuse?



A newly hired nurse understands that visiting a family in their home can have several advantages. What can be an example of one of these advantages?

Family members can participate in the visit to share information.


A nurse reviews notes for a school-age child from the child's schoolteacher. The teacher reports that the student cannot focus, has a short attention span, and has had consistently low grades for 6 months. What might be a problem that the nurse should suspect?

Food insecurity


A nurse is instructing a client regarding intranasal vasopressin (Pitressin). The nurse tells the client which of the following is a side effect specific to the medication?

A. Rhinitis

B. Headache

C. Flushing

D. Nausea

A. Rhinitis

High doses of vasopressin administered via intranasal route may cause rhinitis and nasal congestion.


Name all of Gabi's kids.





