Decreases the temperature set point in children with fevers?
Wear ear plugs during swimming to prevent this?
Otitis externa or swimmers ear
This type of feeding helps boost the infants immune system
Breast feeding
Most common cause of UTI
Use cool water and something for pain.
Treating a mild burn
Increased risk with contact sports, abrasions or cuts, poor hygiene, crowded living conditions
The optic nerve is not completely myelinated at birth, therefore color discrimination is incomplete.
True or False
Signs and symptoms include: currant jelly like stools
This type of fracture indicates child abuse?
Spiral fracture
Usually affects the tissue and not the organs
Childhood cancer
What is the primary concern with a submersion injury?
How do you assess for dehydration in an infant?
check Skin turgor, fontanel, mucous membranes, urine output.
Drug used to close a patent ductus arteriosis (PDA)
Medication prescribed for Duchenne muscular dystrophy for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions?
red meat, tuna, salmon, tofu, enriched grains, dried beans, fruit, leafy green vegetables
Food high in iron
When this is happening, make sure that the child is safe from harm or injury
having a seizure
High metabolic rate and increased respiratory rate, leads children to develop this more rapidly than adults?
This heart condition usually resolves without treatment
Atrial septal defect
Use this for 48 hours after a sprain or strain
RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation)
Ecchymosis, epistaxis, tachycardia, guiac-positive stools
Signs and symptoms of aplastic anemia
Infant older than 3 months with a fever less than 102 degrees does not require treatment. True or False?
True. Fever can actually enhance the immune system.
clouding of the cornea, no red reflex suggests
congenital cataract
Feeding and speech are especially difficult for children with this condition
Cleft lip and palate
Lateral curve of the spine
ointments, warm air, soft cloth without harsh soaps
Treatment for diaper dermatitis