DBT is an acronyn for a specific type of therapy
What is Dialetical behaviour therapy?
The acronym is ODP NOE
What is observe, describe, participate, non judgmentally, one mindfully and effectively? or what is relationship mindfulness?.
page 33
Is one example of possible polarities or dialectical tensions in your life. pg 45
What is acceptance and change, autonomy and closeness, one person's desires and goals and another's, individual behavior and relationship behavior, individual dysfunction and relationship dysfunction, nurturance and limits?
Verbal and behavioral are two types of ___________.
What are types of validation? pg 54
Ways to communicate by describing, expressing, asking and reinforcing while staying mindful, and confident and possibly negotiating. (Hint in module 5 pg 63 also)
What is DEAR MAN? pg 78
An example of this is "there is no one or absolute truth"
What is a basic assumption? page 10
Stop responding, take a step back, observe, proceed mindfully is the ______________ skill
What is STOP skill page 33
The most impactful acceptance skill is _________.
What is radical acceptance? page 46
Because it is the core of communication, builds trust and slows negative reactivity, decreases anger , enhances self respect and it fills up our trust jar.
Why is validation important? pg 55
The skill that is used to communicate DEARMAN when self respect is our objective. (also pg 64 Module 5)
What is the FAST skill, pg 79
We need to learn how and when to say "no" effectively
What is one of the rights of relatives? pg 7
The action word for this emotion is ATTACK, the opposite action is gently avoid/be a little nice.(Look in handouts also)
What is anger? H14
The name of video when Brene Brown drops her coffee cup in this video.
What is Blame? video page 50
Paying attention, reflecting their feelings, summarize their perspective, showing tolerance given their history, normalizing by being objective and non judgemental, practicing willingness and being genuine, self-disclose your own vulnerability are six levels. Hint page 56
What are different levels of validation?
The options are staying stuck and miserable, accepting the problem, changing how you feel about it, solve or manage collaboratively. (Hint pg 74)
What are options for approaching problems. pg 74
Stages are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance , relapse.
Hint Handouts H6
What is cycle of change? (H6)
We can take care of physical illness, eat balanced meals, get enough sleep and exercise.
How can we decrease emotional vulnerability? page 35
It is more effective to interpret things in the most benign way possible. page 46
What is one of the basic assumptions?
Examples are we don't know what we feel or get stuck in secondary emotion, ignore what we feel, discount what we are feeling, allow someone to treat us in ways that distress us or harm us, don't observe our limits and often respond that we are fine when we are not. hint pg 58
What is self invalidation?
They are four possible types for Problem solving (Hint pg 76)
What is imposed or coercive, unilateral, collaborative or non-collaborative?
There are many factors that contribute to a pervasive history of invalidating responses.
Hint pg. 22
What is transactional model? page 22
The state that combines rational mind and emotional mind. (hint H12)
What is wise mind? pg 37
Factors like bad habits, judgements, inaccurate self expression, minimizing, using coercion, lack of understanding, anger, lack of acceptance , forgetting this is someone you love (hint pg 42)
What makes it difficult for us to be skillful? page 42
They are the three major priorities in DBT that help us observe our limits. Hint pg 62
What is objective effectiveness, relationship effectiveness and self respect effectiveness?
We can use FC Skills to reduce our vulnerabilities, skills to reduce our reactivity and manage our emotions, skills to reduce judgement and blame, skills for validating response and accurate expression, skills for relationship mindfulness and emotion management otherwise known as Family Connections skills. (pg 88)
What skill can you use in transactional model to change the arrows? H40