Ways to communicate with our students families.
Celebrating 20 years
Step Up has been around how many years?
What is building relationships with counselors ?
Team meeting. Delegating of task. Food, music, a fun activity and a prizes.
What is Family Night preparation ?
Roosevelt High School
What is the first school Step Up started at ?
SIT, ASSERT, Mental Health
What are the meetings Leadership team attends?
Home visits, after school events, extracurricular activities.
What is engaging with families outside of academics ?
Lead Facilitator, Co Lead Facilitator Participation manager, Co Participation manager, logistics, and coaches
What are the roles for camp?
English, History, Science and Math
What is core classes advocates sit in on?
Food boxes, Relief fund, referrals
What is supporting families in need.
.25 credit
What is credit for going to mandatory three day summer camp ?
sharing space with Sun, Latino Network, College Possible.
what is community partners
inform parent, supervisor informs admin and manager, counselor informs counselor fills out form
First Shackle. Second, Rope. Third, String.
What are the items used to train circus elephants ?
15 students each for 9th grade advocate.18 students for 10th grade advocate.20 students for 11th grade advocate.20 students for 12the grade advocate
What is contract with Step Up and PPS