Samuel's fav color
Samuel's fav game
Rummy cube
the funnest thing
slide's and hanging out with family
the thing that we do with are jackets
bumper cars
what is Izzy's fav animal
what is mia's fav color
Samuel's fav sibling
everyone of his siblings
the most boring thing on the cruise
what's the thing we do in the summer
Izzy's fav movie
High school musical
Micah's fav color
dark blue
what does aut Becky and Samuel do the most at dinner
make eye contact
what hurt Samuel's and Izzy's feet
hot floor
what's a game that we made up
Ice neighbor
Izzy's fav song
Ain't no doubt about it
Izzy's fav color
light blue
Samuels fav band
THe beetels
The Coolest place we visited on the cruise
the clear water iasnd
what's a game that we used to play alot
Izzy's fav thing to play
hide n seek
Ella's fav color
blue and pink
Samuel's fav stuff animals
Larry the doggie
what was the most yummiest food on the cruise
ice cream
what does Liam always wants to have in games
Izzy's fav stuff animal
dot the dog