April 14th, 1984
What is his birthday?
January 9th, 1985
What is her birthday?
May 24th, 2010
What is his birthday?
June 22, 2022
What's her favorite food?
What is his favorite color?
Green (or any earth tone)
What was her favorite show during childhood?
Girl Meets World
How did we find out his gender?
Why was she named Hallie Claire?
The Hallie Greer textile collection and her grandmother Claire
What sport did he play in high school?
How old was Mikayla when she learned to ride a bike?
10 years old
What was the theme of his baby shower?
What's her favorite TV show?
American Dad
What instrument did he play as a child?
Trumpet and Baritone horn
What was her favorite vacation trip?
Disney & Universal
What did he wear to Thanksgiving 2023?
A turkey outfit!
What was her favorite vacation trip?
Disney & Universal
What did he think pulp in orange juice was as a child?
What date did Mikayla join PCA?
August 31, 2015
What was his first vacation?
Yogi Bear, 2022 (we spent one night)