Why can't you give Elsa a balloon?
Because she'll "LET IT GO"
Which movie features a rat who wants to be a chef?
In the US, what is the name of the famous cookie store?
Crumbl Cookie
The Unicorn is the national animal of Scotland
If you answer is false, double points if you guess the correct answer
Name 5 planets
Lots of answers.....
Your mom has 4 kids, North, East and South. What's the 4th ones name?
Your name________
What year was Disney founded?
Name 3 seafood dishes
Lots of options...........
Fish cannot blink
Name 10 States
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I am an odd number. Take away a letter an I am even. What number am I?
Name 3 minions
Kevin, Stuart, Bob
What is the name of the famous chip brand in the UK that is not layz?
English is the most spoken language in the world
If your answer is false, double points if you know which language is
Name 5 muslim countries
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Becuase there are no windows?
In Shrek, what was the donkeys name?
When Nestea gets discontinued what was the name of the new iced tea?
Before becoming queen, Queen Elizabeth II she practiced as an artist
If your answer is false, double points for the correct answer
What is the third planet from the sun
These riddles are all connected. You must answer all of the to complete the actual riddle:
There are 503 bricks on a plane, one falls off, how many are there left?
How do you put an elephant in the fridge?
How do you put a giraffe in the fridge?
The lion king is having a party, all the animals attend the party except one? Which animal was it?
Sam is adventuring in the jungle and is crossing a huge lake known for its deadly alligators. She crosses anyways. She dies but not because of the alligators, why?
How did she die?
The brick from the plane hit her
Who won the Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role in 2022?
Will Smith
What is 1 things that Daniyal hates the most and makes him vomit when he eats.
The only letter not on the periodic table is X
If you chose false, double points if you guess correct
Name a country for each letter of the alphabet except W & X in 60 seconds
Lots of answers.......