what is easy to get into but not out of?
there is 4 geniuses, 1 genius is a child, and they solve real world problems. what is this shows name?
the main characters are fire and water. and there are all elements in this movie. what movie am I?
im so cringe and bad at music and have ugly hair. who am I?
What is the orange part of an egg called
what is something you have to break to use it.
a glow stick
there are cops and robbers, the main character is John Nolan. they arrest robbers. what tv show is this?
The Rookie
my friends are yellow and wear blue overalls. I'm a criminal who stole the moon. what movie am I?
despicable me 1, 2, 3, 4
I have orange hair.
ed Sheeran
What is a baby kangaroo called
what starts with a T, end with a T, and has the word T in it
there bad and all sisters, what show am i
bad sisters
i'm a pirate with a ship and a crew. his catchline is "did anyone see that as ill not be doing that again."
pirates of the Caribbean
I go "HEE HEE" and sing "billie jean is not my lover"
Michael J Jackson
which country can you see the Eiffel Towe?
Paris, france.
I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?
an echo
where in a room the whole time and where stuck. what tv show am i
Stuck in a Loop-Hole.
im all emotions in a head. what movie am I?
inside out
im bald and im in jumanji
Dwayne the rock Johnsen
How many continents are there?
What is there one of in every corner and two of in every room?
the letter O
I'm very yellow and abusive to my child. what tv show am i.
The simpons
im a giant blue monster with a tiny green friend. what movie am I?
monsters Inc, university.
I had a floor leading to Michael Jacksons home and I was arrested. who am I?
P Diddy
How many zeros are in ten thousand?