What is baby kangaroo called?
A joey!
Which fish has no brain or heart?
Jelly Fish
What has two hands and a face but no arms and legs?
A clock
What do the ring of the olympics sign stand for?
the continents
What is the tiktok logo?
A music note
What is the national food of india?
What element is diamonds almost entirely made up of?
What has four fingers and a thumb but is not living?
a glove
Which country first used paper money?
What is the highest grossing video game franchise?
What is the captial of Azerbaijan?
What sense do dolphins dont have?
What has many keys but cant open any doors?
Which city was the first capital of United States?
New York City
Who is known as pocket monster?
Which country has the worlds oldest flag?
What is the only bird that can fly backwards?
What has rivers but no water, forests but no trees and cities but no people?
A map
In which country was the first starbucks opened in outside of North America?
What animal is Tarzan raised by?
What is the collective name of a group of crows?
A Murder
What color is the sunset on Mars?
I have branches but no fruit, trunk or leaves? What am i?
A bank!
who painted the ceiling of the sistine chapel?
Who is the oldest disney princess?
Snow White