The years of the early church period
What is 30 AD-500 AD?
The year of the Great Schism
What is 1054 AD?
The year of Luther debating Johann Eck in Leipzig
What is 1519?
The years of early modern church period
What is 1650 AD-1800 AD?
The event of 1929
The Fall of Princeton
The name of the leaders and pastors of this time period
What are the Early Church Fathers?
The work of monks and nuns
What is copying manuscripts/caring for the poor and sick/spreading the Gospel?
Then man who came to Wittenberg in 1517 to sell indulgences
the 2 main leaders of the Great Awakening
Who are Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield?
William Wilberforce's impact on Christianity and the world
What is the abolition of slavery in England?
Explanation of the who, when, and what of Edict of Milan
What is the act by Constantine in 313 AD that made Christianity legal and stopped its persecution?
The impact of Anselm on Christianity
What is satisfaction theory?
The rhyme Tetzel used to sell indulgences
What is "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, a soul in purgatory springs"?
The meaning of the "affections"
What is the inward heart emotions of one's experience and walk with God?
the name of the people Jim and Elisabeth Elliot wanted to reach
Who are the Auca?
Augustine's impact on the Church (3)
What is clarifying original sin, shaping understanding of salvation by grace, and writing City of God
The effects of the Crusades (3)
What is strengthening the power of the Church in Europe, weakening the Byzantine Empire, and leaving a violent image in the minds of many even today?
The accusation Eck made at Luther at Leipzig
What is being a Hussite?
The Great Awakening's start of a movement focused on one's personal relationship with God
What is Evangelicalism?
The concept Francis Schaeffer helped Christians understand about all of life.
What is worldview?
The ways Rome's fall affected Christianity (4)
What is Christians moving eastward, Christianity spreading throughout Europe, the rise of the papacy, and rise of monasticism?
What John Wycliffe was called
What is the Morning Star of the Reformation?
the last thing William Tyndale said before dying
What is "Lord, open the king of England's eyes"?
The number of Indians William Carey saw come to Christ
What is 700 Indians?
The legnth of time Wilberforce fought until he abolished slavery in England