How do I cope?
What's that skill?
Who ya gonna do?
Can we talk about it?

Your friend did not invite you to his/her birthday party and everyone is talking about it at school. You feel really sad & very hurt. How will you cope?

Talk to them about it. Journal, paint, exercise, and talk to a friend/ sibling/ parent. Use a healthy coping skill


We use these to express how we feel, why, and what we need from the other person.

What is an "I" statement?


You’re feeling a mix of sadness and frustration because your suggestions are being ignored.

What are some ways to process these emotions without letting them negatively impact the conversation?

Communicate how you feel. Stay calm as possible. Take a second to breathe in for 4s and out for 4s. 


What is one way families can improve communication and strengthen their relationships?

Spend quality time with each other. Schedule a date, one on one time. No electronics. 


Use this when you want to express how you feel without blaming and judging others

What is an "I" statement


You suddenly become triggered and had a horrible memory of the past. You suddenly feel down, and everyone else is laughing having a good time. 

Communicate how you are feeling and take a break. Journal, listen to uplifting music, take a nap, schedule a session with therapist. 


This skill is when you take the time to listen to someone and you want to pay attention to..

What is active listening. What is what did they say, feel, and mean.

A neighbor borrows your tools without asking?

Set boundaries with your neighbors, communicate with them in a calm manner. 


Name one positive thing that you like about each person in the room (DAILY DOUBLE!!!)

Something positive


You recognize that your sister/mom/daughter is short-tempered and easily aggravated. How will you express that you notice they are not okay?

Calm, understanding, use "I" statements. Actively listen to what is going on. Let them know you are there to support. 


You are standing in line and a person cuts in front of you 

Respectfully approach them about what they did. Or say that it's not a big deal and keep going.


This is something you do to help you get through stress, nervousness, boredom, frustration

What is a coping skill?


You realize that a person you do not know keeps looking at you. You feel weird about it.

Say hello to them. Ignore it. Smile as you stare back. 


Your friend is pressuring you to skip class.

What is think of the consequences, think about your future?


What is one technique that can help improve understanding and empathy between one another?

Actively listening to one another. Being intentional about spending time together.

Someone is making fun of a hobby or interest that you like?

Tell them how you feel. Ignore them because the said hobby/interest brings you happiness


This is something you can do if your child wants to talk to you about something serious? (Tough one)

What is Ask them if they need advice, support, or just to vent


You decided to share your biggest secret with your friend. But your friend told your secret to people you do not like. 

Tell your friend how you feel. Set a boundary with your friend about the secrets you tell her. Don't tell her any more secrets. 


Tell me something that you appreciate about your family?

Something positive

When you come home from school your mom is upset because she thinks you broke her favorite vase without telling her about it. She automatically grounds you

What is stay calm and communicate to mom what happened and how you feel.


A family member is crying, and you’re feeling confused about how to respond. How can you manage your own emotions while offering support?

Take a deep breath. Validate them letting them know you are there for them. Maybe even let them know you don't know what to say or do.


These skills are ways that can lead to bad habits, lead to avoiding the issue, and continuing the same pattern if nothing changes. (DAILY DOUBLE))

What is an unhealthy coping skill?


Someone on social media makes a mean comment about your post.

What is block them or ignore it. 


You often feel defensive when a certain topic is brought up. What is one way to recognize and address this trigger?

Stop and think about the underlying emotion of what I am feeling and why.


A friend always cancels plans at the last minute. Recently, you were waiting for them at a restaurant when they called to say they couldn't make it?

Express to them using "I" statements and set a boundary. 
