What is pooping in the pool?
“Not the Banana!”
Who is Finn?
It's probably better if we don't cook this breakfast food on a grill
What is bacon?
Take that, flat earthers! This person has been to an altitude so tall that the curve of the horizon was visible
Who is Jorge?
This family member served Will his first beer
Who is Joe?
Don't tell your mother! Two-year-old Beth broke her arm doing this
What is riding on bike handlebars?
“I’m an Eagle Scout”
Who is Will?
It doesn't matter who did this - the point is you can't throw these at a police car
Known for having the smelliest feet in the house
Who is Charlotte?
Finns career aspirations are soaring high- he’s ready to work at….
What is iFly?
Aunt Julie, this is a wonderful Thanksgiving -- but we all know 2012 will go down in history as this
What is the best Thanksgiving ever?
“I don't have hockey equipment - my dad sold it!”
Who is Rosie?
Left it on the charger too long? The Fire Department can unplug it for you.
What is a Hoverboard?
It's always polite to tip the delivery driver, but $60 is excessive for this food
What is pizza?
Whether it’s law school or med school this family member is determined to make money!
Who is Claire?
You gotta catch 'em all in this game. Too bad a mailbox doesn't count... unless you use a car.
What is Pokemon Go!?
“I'll have just a sliver!”
Who is Nanny?
If you're out of ice and hosting a party, just use these
What are frozen French fries?
I cut my own hair regularly
Who is Kate?
Julie totaled her high school car while driving pizza from this mid west staple to a party
What is Little Caesar’s?
It's not her fault she broke the mirror off her car twice: objects in mirror are closer than they appear!
Who is Grace?
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages”
Who is Jack?
You'll have some fire fightin' friends waiting for you when you get back if you leave one of these on your hotel mattress
What is a cigarette?
I'm not going to be able to shut off the sprinkler... I can't find where it's plugged in!
Who is Emi?
John’s biking adventure hit a bump when he failed to stop before colliding with this
What is a parked car?