What trip have Maggie and Dee both taken together?
Vimy, London, Paris
When is Jamie's birthday?
April 9th, 2007
How many sisters did Nana have?
What teacher taught us and Auntie Erin and Uncle Dee?
Mrs. Rock
Who did Nana send flying on a sled onto the lake at the cottage?
Maggie and Owen
What township did we often visit?
What month has the most family birthdays in it?
January, July
What Island did Pixie used to live on?
Howe Island
What was the St. Jerome mascot?
A lion
How many cousins had braces?
The place where the Doyle's have visited the longest
Costa Rica
What year was Sierra born?
Name Kerri, Pixie and Earla's husbands
BONUS - Morrie-Anne
Richard, Dave, Richard
What teams did Annie play on in grade 7/8?
How many adults in the family have lived in the Bagley's house?
How many countries have Nana and Poppa been on (out of the country)?
What present did Maggie get for her 10th birthday?
Her week at West Winds Ranch
Which other cousins are also the Doyle's?
Trick question - none
Teacher who was called a name that sounds like a first name from St. Jerome?
What accident had Sierra in the hospital after hiking in Osgoode?
Her pricking herself with the epipen
What was the address of the Perth house?
78 Decaria Blvd
What was on Annie's third birthday cake?
A barbie
What was the name that the "Wilder's" called themselves in rival of our Triathalon shirts?
Wilder Nest
What teacher did Sierra's elementary school class send on stress leave?
Mr. Falsetto