5 people that married into the family
who kissed tony 3 new years in a row
Ryan is gay
Whose nickname is mambo
who is Hector?
solve this
best cousin in the world
Who is Carlos?
Who broke the wall at Mami Shema's house
Who is Ricky?
What is the food that gives tony hives
What are Hot dogs?
Who fell out a car
Who is Stephanie?
What type of dog is shadow*
What is a Rat terrier?
Who is hectors best friend
Who is Carlos?
Who Made Carlos fall down the stairs
Who is Hector?
Who is the youngest female in the family
Who is Camila?
First dog of the family
Who is cookie
(mami nela dog)
What is my fathers real name
Who is Juan Manuel?
What color is my underwear
what is Grey?
Who created the breakfast sandwich after holiday events
Who is Mami Nela?
Name 3 of Mami Shema's siblings
Tio Mario, Mami Nela, Mami Magda
(Tio Yayo)
When was the last time the entire family traveled together
what is Cindy and Cecil marriage in new Jersey?
Who is Jose Hector*
Who is Tio Campion?
Exact model of my car
what is A 2002 Red Honda Accord?
who threw a rock at my head and made me bleed
Who is danny?
Who is the fourth oldest female cousin
Who is Melissa?
(Cindi, Stephanie, Vicky)
Who came to the U.S Second
Who is Mami Nela ?
What team won the 2019 world series
Who are The Washington nationals?
What Am I?