This date June 19, 2010 signifies what event.
What is the date of the last Gamble House party?
Two great grand kids were born in this year
what is 2019?
Cindy and Tony share an anniversary with this granddaughter.
Who is Brittany?
Cats Smokey, Muffin and Midnight were mainly cared for by these two sisters.
Who are Melissa and Stephanie?
This husband and wife were married the day before Super Bowl Sunday.
Who is Jeff and Sue?
These special group of rocks in the driveway were fondly named after a united state.
What is Hawaii?
1997, 1998 and 1999 were the birth years of these grandchildren.
Who are Taylor, Andrew and Catherine?
Cecilia and Reid had these cousins as their flower girl and ring bearer.
Who are Becky and Danny?
The names of all current cats living at Gmom’s house.
Who are Ivy, Alexander, Binx and Eliza?
These two sets of brothers dated 4 of the Vega daughters at the same time.
Who are Curt, Brian, Craig and Reid?
A wall in the kitchen was home to these special markings.
What is heights of grandchildren and others?
Amelia and Adam were born in this year.
What is 2003?
The two couples that were married on December 15, 1984
Who are Maria and Kent and Greg and Liz?
Gmom often threatened to lock us in the laundry room with this cat.
Who is Boots?
These 5 out of 7 daughters lived with Tom Mavity.
Who is Melissa, Sue, Cecelia, Cindy and Stephanie?
The small room in the lower garage where the pepsis were kept was known as this.
What is the scary room?
These were 3 granddaughters born in the 1980’s.
Who are Shana, Ashley and Brittany?
These two sisters had wedding ceremonies at the Gamble House.
Who are Sue and Cindy?
Pets Sugar Bear, Dummy, Mickey and Ponch were these kind of pets.
What are dogs?
This couple met in the beer line at a concert.
Who is Cindy and Tony?
The picture in the guest bathroom was of this famous actor.
Who is Tom Selleck?
These 6 grandkids were born in consecutive years.
Who are Sarah, Corey, Ciara, Jordan, Ryan and Marissa?
This city was where Melissa and Eric got married.
What is Las Vegas?
The name of this cat who lived at the Gamble house is what you would call someone that gives kisses.
Who is Smoocher?
This husband was married into the family less than 8 months after being considered a “boyfriend”
Who is Eric?