Where did Auntie Rosa go to college?
What pet did Auntie Lossa have to leave behind in Korea?
What are Gracie and Simon's pet names?
Winnie and Tobias
What city did the Huhs live in before Reno?
What is grandpa's baptism name?
What are the Kim's dogs' names?
Dooly and Tochi
As children, what animal did Sophie force Maddie to pretend to be when she was forced to eat out off the floor out of a bowl?
What does Tamanna do for work?
Pediatric anesthesiologist
Were the three children born in different cities, the same city, or what combination?
Different cities
What did grandma do when a robber aimed a gun at her?
How old were Uncle John and Auntie Rosa when they met?
27 and 19
What did Maddie constantly carry as a child?
What did Auntie Irene give Michael instead of toothpaste?
Hemorrhoid cream
Which of the three kids does not like seafood?
What did grandpa do after he got stabbed?
Chase after the thief
Where did Uncle John work when he dropped out of Cooper Union?
A deli
What license did Sophie get without parental knowledge?
What was the name of the Chang family dog?
How old is Nami?
Whom did Grandma send back to a store to get a refund for a lipstick that Uncle John bought at an incredibly inflated price for grandma when he was 10?
Auntie Veronica
What was Katelyn diagnosed with when she was hospitalized in first grade?
What food did Uncle Jason bring Auntie Lossa from Baltimore when he was trying to woo her?
White chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake
What meat item does Auntie Irene not eat?
What was the name of the family fish?
Where did grandpa go after his wedding?