How many tickets did I get?
What's my favorite color?
Any shade of blue
whats my bachelors degree in?
BSC Home Economics
What date, month & year, I got married?
March 21. 2000
What year of highschool did I play tennis?
9th to 12th
What did I wanna be when I was younger?
An eye doctor
whats my favorite dua?
rabe ini lima anzalta illaya min khairan faqeera
What is my father's full name?
Abdul Rauf Khan
What grades do I teach at Baytul-Iman? Which subject should I teach?
5th to 7th. Social Studies
What is my favorite book series?
The Land of Stories
whats my favorite drama?
Angan Tehra
What is my mother's full name?
Hawa Khatoon
What roles do I have in YM?
YM National Fundraising Shura, YM Edison Shura
What is my favorite TV series?
The Flash
whats my childhood home/pet name/
What was my first pet name?
What is my dream car?
Mclaren Spider 720s
What is the name of my novel?
Shadow Behind Shadow
what are my favorite two book writers?
wasif Ali Wasif, Ishfaq Ahmed
What is my childhood name?