Where did we go on vacation with the Cromely's in 2015?
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Ian called Jaiden what name for years without reason?
Ding Ding
Dad walked back to his house from the barn with what stuck in his knee?
An axe
Fia's relationship with Connor lasted how many weeks?
When Ian said chuzz mom misheard him and said what?
Who's chezz?
When we went to the Pick's beach house in 2020 Ian broke something belonging to them, what was it?
Cohen calls mom and I by the same name, what is it?
Dad didn't have a bedroom when he was younger, where did he sleep?
A closet
Fia became depressed after which boyfriend broke up with her?
When Uncle Al was trying to say that Sandra Bullock was good looking, he actually said what?
She would look good on a horse
While on vacation at Grier's in 2021 Ian screamed that mom was going to ___ on him, what did he think she was going to do?
Queef on him
After taking 33 pills, Jaiden's nickname became what?
Dad gets mad when we ask him what the lore is on how he hurt what part of his body?
Mom was abused by which boyfriend?
While visiting, we found out Quintin and his brothers say what when there's a chance of rain?
They want it to rain
During our trip to Missouri there were girls in the bathroom making a TikTok, what trend were they doing?
Wait, they don't love you like I love you
What became one of Dad's nicknames after a homeless man called him by it?
Old School
We recently found out that Pap was on what list?
FBI's Most Wanted
What was my first and only boyfriend's name?
while swabbing Ian to see if he had covid, he cried and said what?
Isn't that enough?
During our girls trip to Myrtle Beach in 2024 we watched what show during the entirety of our stay?
Grey's Anatomy
Luka has a few nicknames, which one did Ian come up with?
While in Japan Dad passed out where from drinking too much?
The sidewalk
Fia has had how many boyfriends?
Logan basically created what brainrot word?