Mike's favorite drink
What is Dr Pepper
This is the month Amy had back surgery
What is December
Who is Carl
Emma has this many pairs of Adidas
What is 2
Morgan gave Matthew this nickname when he was a young boy
What is a Smegul
Names of Mike's 4 grandparents
What are Russell, Carol, Norma, and Austin
Name a college in Utah that Amy did not attend
What is SUU or Davis tech
Livy has attended UVU for this many semesters
What is 5
Emma was on time to school this many times this week
What is 3
Name 2 classes Matthew is taking this semester
What is seminary, physical therapy, statistics or geology
Mike's first car was this color
What is white
This was Amy's basketball jersey number
What is 24
Livy's favorite car
What is Audi
This is Emma's most practical class
What is construction
Matthews favorite NBA player
Who is Taylor Hendricks
Mike is this tall
What is 6 foot 2 inches
These are Amy's favorite toppings on pizza
What are sausage and green peppers
Livy's favorite candy
What is a blue symphony
This is Emma's favorite Dutch bros drink
What is a electric berry blended lemonade
This is Matthew's favorite TV show
What is psych or the middle
Mike has this many pairs of shoes
What is 15
Amy is this tall
What is 5 feet 10 inches
Number of times Livy has said no to Avery's services
Emma last had a haircut in this month
What is November
This is the name of the girl Matthew went on a date with last
What is Sydney