What age group am I in?
what is U15
What game has ghosts?
What is phasmophobia
What is the easiest fish to catch?
What is bluegill
Is millie retarded
What is yes
How much does callie weigh
What is 2^9999
How many career goals do I have?
What is 0
What is my username on fortnite?
What is Greasy the tickler
What is the best fish i caught?
what is a Catfish
What sport does millie like the most
What is soccer
What did callie get scratched by
what is a door
What is the new name for ZYSA?
What is union
What is the best ore in minecraft?
What is Netherite
What is a plastic worm called?
What is a soft plastic
Who is millies sister
What is claire
what is callies faviorite food
What is salmon treat packet
What league are we playing in?
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What game do I have the most hours on?
What is Fortnite
What is a hotdog
How many hairs does millie have
What is callies faviorite toy
What is the string
what is the highest ranked team i've played
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What is the rarest gun skin in r6?
What is black ice
What is 25lbs
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What is callies faviortie bed
What is grays bed