The most recent trip
Spirit of the Flame
We split up into two teams with Griffin and Joey to bake.
Great British Baking Show with cousins
The most recent baby
Gwendolyn Grace Corman
What did the kids get from Santa that they always love to play with? in which holiday?
A play fort thingy during Christmas
Largest stuffy in the house
Lani the longhorn cow
The vacation we are taking a break from
When Chloe tried to ____me with pillows and blankets
Baby who Chloe tried to suffocate
Baby Katie
On Valentine's day, what did mom do for dad that was hilarious?
A hilarious card- a scratch card
Chloe's squishmallow dinsoar
Place with a lot of sand and coming up in July?
What was the inappropriate joke Katie said on the cruise?
The squirrel joke
"Bagel bay kay bagel" who said that?
Baby Chloe
During which holiday do you get a present and a party
Largest stuffy in front room
trick question! HAHAHA in your facee! :) Signed officially by Katelyn Elizabeth Watson
Place where the cute baby is
New Hampshire
Why did the squirrel float on its back?
Because it didn't want to get its nuts wet
Baby who didn't eyes open for a long time until they saw dad
Baby Katie
Which holiday do we get delicious cookies?
St. Patrick's Day
Smallest stuffy in the house. Tied up between three stuffies
Lil' Bug Bug, Cleo, Cuddles Junior Junior
Name the first show we went to on our cruise
Who was the first person Katie saw when they were a baby?
The baby who discovered what dad would do if they got hurt
Baby Chloe
During which holiday was Katie an ewok?
Largest stuffy in Katie's room (including all middle names)
Cuddles Senior Bulbasaur Nector Heavenly Nostrils Elizabeth Marie Slime Kitchen Watson